World Timeline

The overall history timeline of the world, notable for the most major of events.

The Wild Times

... 2000 WT

  • Of Historical Memory
    The Wild Times
    Era beginning/end

    The general time frame in which various species arose in their infancy. While early proto-civilizations were forming, they notably had to contest natural land with the Relentless frequently. This greatly hampered the ability of these young civilizations to prosper, leading many to form, rise up, then die out in fairly quick succession.   It is most notable as, at some point in this extremely wide span of time, the Great Convergence itself is theorized to have occurred. There are those who contest this naming and viewpoint, however. Their chief argument revolves around the finding of ruined civilizations far, far older than this era of time would imply.


Dawn of the Third

2000 WT 0 WT

  • Great Horde's Defeat
    Great Khanum's Defeat
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Great Khanum arrives in the mountainous region that would later become the Tyrant's Sea. There, she encounters the hence-unknown Imperious, and loses decisively. Her ultimate fate unknown, Imperious goes on to defeat her muurun tribes and pave the way for draconic supremacy. This victory is later utilized for the founding of the Imperium's Calendar, which forms the standard for most of the world henceforth.

Age of the Imperium

0 WT 635 TD

  • Birth of the Imperium
    Imperious' Awakening
    Era beginning/end

    The Great Khanum is defeated by the legendary dragon Imperious. Turning her sights onto the same goal as the Great Khanum, Imperious leads her draconic armies across the world. All are made to bow to the Imperium's might, and no one is able to resist the conquest.

  • 635 AOI

    The Great Darkness
    Disaster / Destruction

    The era of the Imperium comes to a close with the violent destruction of the World Gate. A world-thundering explosion rattles Veltrona, annihilating an entire continent's worth of land in nearly an instant. An enormous cloud of mana-charged debris launches into the atmosphere, choking out sunlight entirely. Falling debris catastrophically destroys many landscapes, altering the face of the world itself.   Many civilizations bunker down and hide away in order to survive; many of them doing so as they throw off the shackles of the Imperium. For nearly two centuries, Veltrona's surface is shrouded in darkness, with scant sunlight peeking through. Divine powers and mortals alike work endlessly to not only survive, but cast off the Great Darkness that yet prevails.

The Great Darkness

635 TD 785 TD

  • 635 TD

    The Great Darkness
    Disaster / Destruction

    The era of the Imperium comes to a close with the violent destruction of the World Gate. A world-thundering explosion rattles Veltrona, annihilating an entire continent's worth of land in nearly an instant. An enormous cloud of mana-charged debris launches into the atmosphere, choking out sunlight entirely. Falling debris catastrophically destroys many landscapes, altering the face of the world itself.   Many civilizations bunker down and hide away in order to survive; many of them doing so as they throw off the shackles of the Imperium. For nearly two centuries, Veltrona's surface is shrouded in darkness, with scant sunlight peeking through. Divine powers and mortals alike work endlessly to not only survive, but cast off the Great Darkness that yet prevails.

Baarham Dominion

785 TD 1190 TD

  • Hate Springs Eternal
    Rise of the Baarham
    Era beginning/end

    As the Great Darkness clears away more and more, the many peoples of the world take their tentative steps out.   The baarham begin their own ambitious plans, led by the skull-faced Sorcerer King Ghown. Although falling short of the global reach Imperious once managed, the baarham are nonetheless in the very heartlands of most species. Far more cruel than the dragons, they quickly become objects of hatred.

Wars Unending

1190 TD 1650 TD

  • Survival of the Fittest
    World Wide Conflicts
    Era beginning/end

    The baarham mysteriously vanish en masse, barely any members of the species left on Veltrona. Those who suffered under their oppression retaliate quickly, and the survivors disappear in exile. A number of civilizations now rise up to claim the power vacuum left behind, engaging in numerous wars of conquest. The technical ability, creative knowledge, and raw power brought to bear represents some of the most horrific fighting the world has thus far seen. Unchecked ambitions run rampant, and no one is certain if peace will ever return.

  • 1645 TD

    Return of the Baarham
    Population Migration / Travel

    The majority of the Baarham return from their mysterious vanishing at the head of an enormous Forsaken host. Surprising many, they turn upon the Forsaken they've allied themselves with. During weeks of devastating battles, Sorcerer King Ghown dies, and shortly thereafter the Forsaken host is broken. The Baarham's new queen sues for peace with the neighboring civilizations, and the baarham retreat into isolation.

Truth and Reconciliation

1650 TD 2292 TD

  • To Join Together Again
    Rays of Hope
    Era beginning/end

    The devastation wrought by centuries of horrid conflict reaches its terminal threshold. The Forsaken now run rampant across almost every known land, fueling great armies led by abhorrent Grave Queens. The Relentless surge forth, indiscriminate in their rampaging. The battered civilizations broker shaky truces and alliances, coming together to resist such malevolent forces.

Age of Uncertainty

2292 TD and beyond

  • For Our People
    For Our Future
    Era beginning/end

    Civilizations continue to advance; the Forsaken and Relentless are fought back. Technology and knowledge improves at alarming rates, and new wonders never recorded before begin emerging. Prosperity flows and peace, true and ever lasting, starts to sound like more than just a simple fantasy.   Yet, with so much standing against it, and the ever unending tide of greedy, evil souls who conspire for their own greatness--how can peace survive?   Nonetheless, there are those many who will try or die trying.

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