Grave Queen


One of the greatest zahmka undead, they can arise from the ranks of nekrokin or be specially incanted into existence by necromages. A Grave Queen or King is not only fully self-aware, but possessed of an especially intense hatred of their own existence. Bound to lead the Forsaken Undead, they can only find release in killing the living and waging terrible, suicidal wars against civilized nations. The paradoxical instinct to survive compels them to fight somewhat smartly, prolonging their own suffering and that of others.   Those who come to embrace their new unlife invariably learn how to exploit their unholy power. In this sense, a true undead nation can arise, lead by a ruler as tireless and everlasting as its subjects. Unlike the deliberate liches, these Grave Queens never had a choice, and so hold no love for the world they were once part of. A few have even adopted a faux religion dedicated to the end of all life, such that they can rule a dead world forever. As with almost anything else about the undead, these behaviors exist to mock the ways of the living, and ever deepen the vengeful dead's hatred of them.   Especially powerful necromancers who command legions of the dead can also fall into this classification. Though, unlike the 'true' undead, they benefit from being alive (or partially living) to have high functioning minds and free choice. They can sometimes be called 'false' queens as a result.

Basic Information


As undead, they are dependent on their original species for much of their appearance. Unlike other forms of undead, Grave Queens are supernaturally beautiful and composed, to the point of being ethereal and eerie. Some, as is typical of their self-destructive behavior, seek self-mutilation and destruction of their own looks, revealing the horrible rotten flesh and skeletal guise beneath that is their actual body. Regardless, it wouldn't be improper to consider them 'nobility' in the truest, conventional sense, but such a look is entirely deceptive.

Biological Traits

Without Pain – They have no concept of pain, and normally debilitating attacks or wounds simply do not faze them in the slightest.   Undead Endurance – Driven by their metabolized mana, they can keep going for absurd amounts of time. In fact, the only time they stop is when they've lost all their mana, or lost track of their prey.   Life Sense – They can sense the presence of the living in a supernatural manner. This means despite loss of critical sensory organs, like eyes or ears, they can still track their targets with disturbing precision.   Mana-enhanced Constitution – Their bodies are supernaturally powerful, beyond that of even regular monster species.   Nexus of Hatred – The dead do not rest easy, and indeed, rise to the call of the Grave Queens/Kings. Already active undead become even more agitated and belligerent, forming unholy legions that exist to serve their hateful sire's bidding.


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