

A giant walking herbivore, veltagons are by far and wide humbly simple creatures. They roam across grassy plains and sparse forests, rooting around for vegetables, fallen nuts, certain types of tree saplings, and other nutrient-dense foodstuffs. While their vast diets and great eating might ordinarily be destructive, much of their excess energy is converted into veltron mana. This then radiates into the surrounding environment, invigorating the plantlife left behind into growing. For some ecologists, veltagons are seen as 'cleaners', eating up the refuse and failed forms of plantlife. The view point is not universally agreed upon, as veltagons will eat prime specimens as well.   While their veltron-exuding nature is desirable to farms and foresters, frankly it is quite hard providing the upkeep veltagons need. Rather than focus on a cattle-like ranching schemes, many different groups try to coordinate and guide veltagon herds. By sending the herds down specific corridors that become littered in their desired foods, nearby farmlands can benefit from the released veltron. It is not an exact science, as the veltagons can always leave off course or go into the farmlands themselves. Still, the passing-by benefits alone are worth the effort, and a number of farms have had their livelihoods live-and-die by these migrations.   Curiously, although they primarily live in warmer climates, they do migrate into colder to frozen regions as well. The veltagons seem to stock up on energy before doing such lengthy distances, as there is far less food for them to pick up. It isn't clear why the veltagons do this, as no ecologist has reported in what such dim-witted animals may gain from an otherwise pointless act. Regardless of what they gain, the surrounding environment nonetheless benefits from the influx of veltron mana.

Basic Information


The typical veltagon is a quadrupedal beast, with two backlegs fixed to drive it forward, while its two front legs are more flexible, able to bend sideways and allow its great head to reach the ground. Both are, nonetheless, vastly muscular and bulky things, reinforced by natural growths. The broad, flat head and its twitching snout poke out of the great, rocky-boulder hump that encases its torso, scrounging for food. For many, the veltagon bears striking similarities to turtles, but that is about all they are. A long, oddly even, segmented tail comes out of the rear of the creature, capable of winding around itself a few times.   Altogether, a veltagon can clamp itself down to the ground, partially burrowing before tightening its body closed. Its tail acts as a seal between its body and ground, making it virtually impossible to get an easy grip underneath the creature. Once in such a state, few of its natural predators can outright break through the rock-shell protecting it. Combined with their ability to slow their metabolism down, a veltagon can remain in a 'secured' posture for several days. By then, quite often their predators move on, or get attacked by other predators.   Their colors are typically in the browns, grays, and greens, erring toward mountainous features. Their rocky shells can feature odd, symbiotic or parasitic growths, such as mushrooms, moss, and similar. The shells can also demonstrate variable geology--parts of it may become crystal, metallic, or other earthly features.

Biological Traits

Veltron Mana -- Veltagons radiate veltron-aspected mana, enriching all sorts of life dependent on the ground.

Genetics and Reproduction

Males and females copulate in the fall, and eggs are laid in the spring, which then hatch in the summer. The young are born mostly ready to go, but must hide underneath their parents until the juvenile stage, when they begin developing their characteristic rock shells.

Growth Rate & Stages

Veltagons grow at a reasonable pace, but hit sort of a snag in the juvenile stage. The development of their rock shell becomes paramount, then, and they must acquire rocky substrate. Not just any kind of rock will suffice, they seem to look for a particular kind or features that ecologists can't make sense of. They're not sensitive to manarium deposits at all, ruling out an obvious choice. Regardless, until they can start forming their shells, veltagons growth sharply slow down. If they go too long without making their shell, they risk permanent deformity and early death.

Ecology and Habitats

Primarily found in the warmer regions, such as Immensio, Lophern, Aerthen, Nerzin, etc. They do not like deserts whatsoever, and so cannot be found in places like Sa-kemet. Migratory groups can be found in the colder regions, moving their way through to warmer areas.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Herbivorous, emphasizing more nutrient dense matter rather than low-returns such as grass.

Biological Cycle

As cold begins to set in, veltagons focus more on storing food, which leads to a dip in their veltron. Then, as they move through the colder areas, as their stored food is used up, their veltron starts radiating normally again.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

They're largely seen as the most useful when they're alive, thanks to their veltron. However, killing veltagons for their components can help in magical equipment, though the quality is another matter entirely. Given the great annoyance in doing the deed, its usually not seen as worth the effort. When a veltagon herd becomes a pest, however, one must make use out of their bodies if they cannot be dissuaded.
Scientific Name
Average Height
Average Weight


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