Tetrahedron Destroyer


The titular destroyer sits comfortably in the ranks of the most 'bizarre' things encounterable on Veltrona. These floating pyramid-triangles hover along with a palpable hum, moving from one place to another. They have neither rhyme nor reason, seemingly captivated by a fistful of grass as much as complex artwork. As long as they're left alone, they're entirely docile beings the likes of which children could ride upon comfortably.   However, a destroyer will never be denied where it wants to go.   Possessing vast magical ability, they will use the entire spectrum of magic and more to accomplish their goals. They do behave with some sense of care, though. For example, tunneling through the ground using veltron magic and then reforming the ground in their passing, maintaining stability. Mages, cultivators, and anyone with an interest in magic frequently follow after them. By observing a destroyer's random behaviors, all kinds of useful insights into magic were made.   Of course, foolish and greedy people tried their hand as well. Whether to capture or kill a destroyer, their attack triggers an immediate defense response. As far as every destroyer seems concerned, it is only safe when the 'threat' is completely annihilated. The extreme overreaction they exhibit is the source of their name and many peoples fears on offending them. Many animals appear to instinctually understand their potential, as even mighty beasts like chontzincoatl willfully avoid crossing their paths.   Due to their intensely mana-rich presence, the Forsaken undead are easily attracted to a destroyer. Unlike all other forms of 'life', destroyers do not ignore the undead. They will immediately start eradicating them upon sight, and often go out of their way to do so. It is a curious fact of theirs, and while no one knows why, the living aren't going to complain too much. Although the ruined landscape from a battle can be a problem in some places. The vampyr of Toi'drinn consider them a 'sacred beast' for this aspect of their nature.

Basic Information


Its namesake is quite literal as the destroyer itself is a tetrahedron–or triangular pyramid–in shape. They're principally composed of celestial blackstone, making them one of the few recurrent 'sources' of such an exotic material. The faces of their bodies are inscribed upon, written in a cohesive language no scholar has ever managed to decipher. Each destroyer has different writings on them, serving as a means of 'fingerprinting' for those tracking them.   Parts of their faces shift around and reassemble, changing what is displayed while maintaining the structure of their 'body'. They do so seemingly as a way of interacting with the world. In the times they've been observed, patterns of 'recognition', 'confusion', and 'intrigue' become evident. This body language is universal between the destroyers, so those who are familiar with them can navigate by it.

Biological Traits

Divine – This being exhibits a sliver of aura from an Origin Goddess, leaving an unignorable impression on all mortal life/unlife.   Destructive Power – Destroyers unleash incredible magical attacks. Even seasoned dragons will shudder in fear before engaging them, making these entities fearsomely dangerous.
Average Height
Average Weight


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