Sky Splitter


A spear forged from a peculiar black steel, infused with arcing, jolted lines of a white-teal color. The edge of the blade is sharpened with an exotic compound based on platinum, which seems to slice the very air itself at the slightest movement. A small, continual hum surrounds the spear, and holding it instantly reveals the thrumming lightning-aspected mana that supercharges it. One could regard it as an exemplary, if old fashioned weapon, evidenced by the hallmarks of more primitive smithing techniques.   The first known records of Sky Splitter came about from the infamous Bloodwing. A jiuweihu warrior sought her in single combat, wielding a strange and unusual spear. In their ensuing battle, the warrior fell, but not before throwing the spear with all her might. The attack blew off Bloodwing's arm, and the spear continued, cracking open the sky with a thunderous clap. It since became lost, hurtling to some distant land with a force beguiled by its former wielder.   Bloodwing's rage shook mountains and saw a vicious retribution, but no matter how she tried, the spear could not be found. Not for want of trying, for her enemies were greatly interested in something that could so easily harm her. Alas, the collapse of the Imperium and the resulting Great Darkness all but buried the mythical spear in history.   However, it resurfaced.   Near the end of the Great Darkness, a lauraume found the spear, and utilized its awesome power to blow away the dust and debris of her homeland in Aerthen. It is from her it was hence called the Sky Splitter, and an old Aerthen legend attributes it as the cause for the return of day and night time. Eventually, the weapon found its way into the hands of a noble human king, who utilized its frightening power to insure his kingdom's survival. Passing down through the generations, a bold thief stole Sky Splitter. Whether unaware or disbelieving of its awesome abilities, he utilized the spear, and it went hurtling off into into what would be Teranlo.   While there are some accounts of the spear being found and wielded on the island-continent, it evidently did not remain there. The most concrete legend details the weapon being sacrificed to the goddesses. In doing so, Teranlo was awarded divine favor, flourishing into a beautiful paradise it has since remained. Given that it was thrown into the ocean, it could be quite literally anywhere on Veltrona, if it is still in the same mortal plane.   Despite many efforts to find who or what made Sky Splitter, it remains one of the great mysteries of the world.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

As a spear its purpose is straight forward, but the inbuilt magic of the weapon draws upon its immense mana storage. Whether it is recharged through its wielder or some other method, the simplicity of its performance ensures an unerring reliability. Whoever built Sky Splitter had a singular, keen vision in mind, and the result is an unparalleled weapon--undoubtedly the crowning achievement of a mistress smith.


It is principally important in Aerthen, Lophern, Teranlo and Votyoger myths and legends. Whether true or not, there is no disputing its phenomenal power or Bloodwing's persistent fear of the weapon.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Legendary (unique)
Base Price


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