Ouroboros Uplifter (Or-ro-bor-os Up-lif-ter)


The uplifters have existed since antiquity in the night sky beyond Veltrona's lunar orbits. While they're hard to see with most naked eyes, some species, like dragonkind or those with vision-enhancing magic, have long gazed upon them. Their colorful and vibrant displays of magic have ever inspired wonder, and fascinated the ancestors of astronomy to watch and study more. Whether the uplifters are simply playing around, or studying magic themselves, no one is quite certain. Some argue they're just strange, stellar phenomena that obey ideas and rules yet unknown.   Regardless, they never put on the same 'show' twice, and festive events center around watching these mysterious space rings.   Astronomers throughout the ages have tracked the uplifters, cataloging their paths and trying to discern their purposes. Whether some sort of beings or celestial nature, their magics can offer insights previously unimaginable. However, the closer one gazes upon them, the more something gazes back. Despite the vast distances, no curious mind can escape the cold, calculative presence bearing down upon them. It searches, studies, and dissects them inch-by-inch, as if to learn everything. It's something those enjoying their spectacles never notice, for only those who dare to spy further earn such 'attention'.   It is one of the many trials that a person faces in becoming a proper astronomer, and something they all have experience with.   Some uplifter's orbits bring them closer to Veltrona, where they spend some time circling the planet. Depending on how close they come, they might skip through the atmosphere, creating fiery-blue comet trails across the sky. Their penchant for magic is no less, as they continue to fire off and do all sorts. Freak weather events can happen as a result, anything from unexpected rainfall to flash freezes. The severity is usually minor by Veltrona's standards, but they can cause some serious problems.   However, it is these pass over events where their namesake comes from. Nobody knows why, but the uplifters select portions of Veltrona to–quite literally–uplift into the sky and into them. People, ground, and everything in between is sucked up without warning. Not all pass overs have result in an 'uplifting', but the awe and fear of them nonetheless lingers. Even still, millenniums later since the last uplifting event, the likes of dragons and other timeless species remain wary about them.

Basic Information


Uplifters are enormous, ring-like beings whose sizes vary from large islands to continental in terms of volume. Their 'outer shell' is a polished, perfected surface of celestial blackstone, with all kinds of fiery blue fractures running through them. The inside of the ring itself is, astonishingly, a tiny world of its own almost. Running the length of the ring's interior, they can be environments from the idyllic to the nightmarish. It is this sight that first inspired the ideas of what a 'ring world' might be for some curious minds.   The state of each world is unique to a given uplifter, essentially creating a visual fingerprint in the process. Through that, astronomers have tracked hundreds of uplifters on their journey through Veltrona's star system. New ones come and go quite rarely, although the immortal beings are usually the only ones to notice.   Regardless of the 'worlds' within the uplifters, the center of the ring–the dead space something like a finger would slide through–isn't empty. A swirling ocean of mana churns, a flat disc that, if someone were to stand on the ring world, would look like a sky. For those on Veltrona, the mana ocean looks quite a lot like an eyeball, complete with a vaguely defined pupil and surrounding iris. The actual nature of the ocean itself changes depending on the mana used by the uplifter, so all sorts of colors frequently appear.   Due to their physical makeup, uplifters are considered kin of a sort to tetrahedron destroyers and apeirons. They share an aesthetic sense far too similar to be coincidental, despite their very different natures.

Biological Traits

Divine – This being exhibits a sliver of aura from an Origin Goddess, leaving an unignorable impression on all mortal life/unlife.   Eye of the Cosmos – Uplifters can be felt 'observing' in more than just a sense of an eyeball, but through all the senses there and not there.
Average Height
Average Weight


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