

Often a sibling of necromages within the zahmka undead, nekrokin are beings possessed of an especially malevolent, physically oriented consciousness. Like an egg hatching, the person they once were became discarded, and what emerged can only be called evil given form. They delight in carnage, pain, suffering, and worse, seeking out the living with gleeful cruelty. It is not a stretch to say their only purpose is to kill, and theirs is a clarion call for other undead to follow.   On their own, they act as solitary ladies and lords, commanding their legions with all the same mannerisms. As more nekrokin come together, they form elaborate social hierarchies, chiefly based on martial prowess or some other easily-measured metric. With them come the surnki undead, and so they can quickly form a microcosm of a civilization before anyone knows better. Necromages often come, attracted by the growing presence of undead, offering their services to fulfill ever more vile ends. Thus do the Grave Queens invariably follow, either finding these leaderless groups or being specially chanted into existence to lead.   Being able battlefield commanders and far more common than the Grave Queens/Kings, they have terrifying reputations in many cultures. Shambling hordes and disorganized undead quickly turn into a coordinated force, empowered by a foul mind all too able to utilize them. Lives mean nothing, and nekrokin will sacrifice surnki undead enmasse if it means securing significant victory. In turn drawing more undead recruits from their fresh victims, few living armies on Veltrona willfully wish to fight nekrokin. They must, in the end, or the very obvious death that is coming will arrive that much quicker.   Not all nekrokin take to battlefield commanding. Like twisted parodies of heroines, some strike out on their own, gaining power for their own selfish ends. These loners can become profoundly dangerous, even more than Grave Queens if allowed to swell in power. However, such a thing is rare, as a nekrokin burns as a lantern in the night, drawing all sorts of attention to itself. Most end up involved in the courtly matters of their undead brethren as a necessary means of survival.

Basic Information


It is difficult to tell if a nekrokin came from a skeleton or a returned, as it often possesses traits of both. Their bone structure is encased in new, foul unliving flesh that offers better protection, strength, and room for growth. In a naked state they are hard to distinguish from other surnki undead as a consequence. However, virtually all nekrokin seek to better arm and distinguish themselves. Whether it is armor, clothing, rudimentary or advanced weapons, they become very identifiable by their person-like mannerisms.

Biological Traits

Without Pain – They have no concept of pain, and normally debilitating attacks or wounds simply do not faze them in the slightest.   Undead Endurance – Driven by their metabolized mana, they can keep going for absurd amounts of time. In fact, the only time they stop is when they've lost all their mana, or lost track of their prey.   Life Sense – They can sense the presence of the living in a supernatural manner. This means despite loss of critical sensory organs, like eyes or ears, they can still track their targets with disturbing precision.   Beacon of Hatred – A nekrokin's mere existence draws other undead to them, making them natural-born leaders.

Dietary Needs and Habits



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