
Basic Information


It is difficult to tell if a necromage came from a skeleton and zombie, as it often possesses traits of both. Their bone structure is often encased in new, foul unliving flesh that offers better protection, strength, and room for growth. In a naked state they are hard to distinguish from other surnki undead as a consequence. However, their person-like mannerisms in clothing, arming, and carrying themselves quickly distinguishes them apart.

Biological Traits

Without Pain – They have no concept of pain, and normally debilitating attacks or wounds simply do not faze them in the slightest.   Undead Endurance – Driven by their metabolized mana, they can keep going for absurd amounts of time. In fact, the only time they stop is when they've lost all their mana, or lost track of their prey.   Life Sense – They can sense the presence of the living in a supernatural manner. This means despite loss of critical sensory organs, like eyes or ears, they can still track their targets with disturbing precision.   Profane Magic – Armed with vast magical ability, a necromage can create spells of profane and foul natures, the likes of which the living can never do safely. They are truly dangerous in this regard, having a flexibility of known and unknown magics.   Devour for Power – Necromages consume mana and flesh alike to fuel themselves, gaining ever greater power in the process.

Dietary Needs and Habits


Civilization and Culture


A sibling zahmka undead to the nekrokin, necromages are magically-gifted undead. Retaining something of a consciousness from their once-life, necromages seek power in death, though for what goal often differs greatly. If the nekrokin have the hot, burning hatred driving them, the necromage is colder, calculative, and far more befitting of the radical magical forces they hold within. To this end they are often the much hungrier, all-consuming sibling, making conscious effort to devour mana and flesh alike in great quantities. In doing so, their vile power grows by leaps and bounds, and they can drain the life from the land in frighteningly quick time.   Being chiefly solitary in nature on accounting of their appetite, a necromage is known more by what is left behind than where it is. Empty veltron, desiccated corpses, bones on the verge of becoming ash, and so much more decay typifies their passing. As they don't distinguish friend from foe that readily, any undead they come across often ends up on the dinner menu as well. For some, they are often considered the easiest form of undead to handle. At least, quantity wise. Being a powerhouse of magic, a necromage is not easily taken down even by an experienced group of adventurers.   It is hard to tell which came first: the necromages, or the liches. The latter, retaining all their own mind and lacking the consuming desires of the former, are quite distinct. They do share many similarities otherwise, being magic-capable undead, but necromages do not have phylacteries. The discerning mind is quick to figure this out, as angering a lich is often a much worse problem than a necromage.


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