Hoktazahm (Hok-ta-zahm)


An artificial sea created by the dragonkind Unn lineage, it was the result of them carving out Unntyoger from the greater Unneyria glacial mass. The crescent shaped sea was fashioned over the centuries of the separation process. Ultimately, it was built to serve as a natural barrier and immense harbor that all sorts of vessels could reside within.   Later on, adaptations were made for aquatic dwelling people, principally water-aspected dragons of the Unn lineage. However, shermadi, ekurin, and others were given accommodations as trading guests of the Unn. As a result, a fair number of ice-sculpted cities have built along the glacial ridges of Hoktazahm, though of measurably different qualities.   Incidentally, the name 'hoktazahm', roughly translated as 'chasm/hole/valley of great death', was chosen after a fifty year debate on what to name the sea. Hoktazahm won out as it sounded sufficiently intimidating as a protective barrier around Unntyoger. However, the Unn hadn't considered most other species may not grasp the meaning as clearly as dragons would. The efforts of the elder dragons to rename the sea a century later was stymied by the younger generations that'd been born.   In other words, the young dragons found it a rather 'awesome' name, but it ever serves to strike their elders in their proverbial weak spots when its mentioned.


The topology of Hoktazahm varies between cliffs, valleys, and icy beaches. The initial roughness of draconic excavation eventually gave way to landscape architects, city builders, and other engineers. While it's not given as much attention-to-detail as Unntyoger proper, water dragons are particularly invested in the well-being of Hoktazahm. As a result, a lot of the work done is reflective of their sentiments, and conductive to life within and around the sea.   The underwater regions are rather more curious, there is no hard 'floor' of the sea. This means the deep ocean waters of Olaniad are just underneath, posing a security concern with things like seaborne leviathans. To head off such problems, the Unn dragons sculpted mighty skewers of ice in the depths, creating what is essentially a leviathan-sized spike wall. This retained the usefulness of diving out from the sea, allowed fishing to continue, and prevented any horrible problems from coming up.   Since leviathans can be difficult to deter, the ice spikes are often destroyed and remade. Most ice mages of the Unn start their practice with rebuilding, reinforcing, or repairing the spike wall.


The relative newness of the sea means that, for the most part, its ecology and behavior is inherited entirely from Olaniad that surrounds it. Most of the flora and fauna that tend to be found within Hoktazahm are a mixture of Olaniad and coastal-dwelling life from Unneyria proper. The presence of the Unn acts as a massive downward pressure on large predators, and so a lot of prey species eventually settled in Hoktazahm's waters. Along with them came things like flora that grows directly upon the ice itself.   Over the ages, this transformed the desolate region into a more vibrant, lively place of aquatic and amphibious life. Great reefs, underwater forests, massive vine mazes, and more grow with rampant freedom in the sea. So too does it feed and attract prey species of fish and otherwise, making fishing an easily viable venture. One could even argue it's too rich, as the lack of large predators to control population numbers means rampant growth is ever on going. Of course, what predators couldn't survive in the sea simply lurked on its borders instead, going after those that dared to leave safer waters. Smaller ones, easily ignored by the Unn, continued to have a veritable buffet.   So, in the end, it did balance itself out somewhat.

Natural Resources

With its abundance of ice, water, and the flora and fauna of Olaniad, Hoktazahm can easily sustain life, though it poses challenges with its lack of almost all other resources. Rather, it's remarkable such an artificial sea has any naturally occuring resources in the first place. Its principle value is as a safe harbor for the Unn's trade fleets, and even home for some aquatic peoples. Most everyone is content to look farther afield to find what they need.


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