Unntyoger (Unnt-yo-ger)


The prestigious home of the dragonkind Unn lineage, Unntyoger itself is a kind of subcontinent of glacial mass separated from Unneyria proper.   Understanding Unntyoger requires looking at the Unn lineage itself. Unlike most other draconic lineages, the Unn are not all sourced from a single common ancestry. Rather, many disparate ice and water dragons who lived across the-then unnamed Unneyria had long warred amongst themselves. After the Wing Shattering War, the surviving ice dragons held a conference to try and bury their grievances once and for all.   The conference went on for five argument filled years. Its remarkable shortness can only attest to how serious the situation was, for countless dragon families made once-unimaginable concessions. At the end of it all, a unified forum had been created to serve as the common ground for all dragons across Unneyria. By pursuing matters through the forum, and amongst their peers in good faith, the warring dragons found some means to finally rest easy. The forum was so successful that foreign dragons who visited would, some millenniums later, copy a few of its ideas for Votyoger itself.   While not as democratic as its later, and far more famous cousin, Unntyoger sufficed for the purposes of its creators. One of the stipulations of its own creation, however, was the unification of the different families into a shared lineage. Ever since, the Unn lineage has carved out its home in Unntyoger. Something that dramatically transformed the land as all the dragon families built their immense palaces.   The Unn lineage spent centuries carving out the ice and cultivating the sea of Hoktazahm as a sort of 'natural barrier' and living space. With that secure, they built fortifications both above and below the water line, turning the floating subcontinent into a fixed, artificial island of a kind. From there, every inch of their prestigious home was meticulously crafted and refined. In some senses, Unntyoger is a massive engineering project from top to bottom, one with extravagant richness behind it.   Vast forests, plains, and ice-made mountains were fashioned for carefully selected animals and plants the Unn particularly fancied. Within those lands, great homes, communal centers, and workshops were created to suit the needs of their dragon mistresses. As skill, technologies, and magic grew in capability, they built ever more sophisticated works. Indeed, no one can rightly say what the 'natural' look of Unntyoger may be any more, for nothing has gone untouched by the Unn.


Unntyoger can best described by its architects' zoning more than anything else.  
The Tidal Bulwark
The actual floating continent of Unntyoger itself doesn't have 'shorelines' so much as sheer vertical cliff faces forged from ice and metal. The Tidal Bulwark, as this enormous wall-like fortification is called, is intended to prevent any seaborne creatures from landing on Unntyoger proper. It doubles as tidal wave protection, absorbing most of the tidal behavior Olaniad engenders. In cases of extreme emergency, powerful enchanted magics activate, flash-freezing water that hits the bulwark. This can create an even taller, powerful barricade to stop things like storm weather from overrunning the bulwark.   The majority of the Tidal Bulwark is a mile-thick construction of drainage systems, flood protection, and general barriers that are daunting to overcome. Its 'openings' are the various ports along the Hoktazahm coastline, featuring specially created warehouses, sub-aquatic access areas, and other amenities the dragons could have need for. For many, the Tidal Bulwark is the first and last part of Unntyoger that is readily encountered.    
Sparkling Palaces
Residential areas, ancestral homes, and general living quarters as sculpted out by Unntyoger's architects, the Sparkling Palaces are where the Unn lineage lives. Fashioned from a special blend of ice and veltron composite material, the solid and unyielding buildings are renowned for their 'sparkly' appearance when light touches them. While usually not visible during the long day light time periods, night time and starlight turn them into truly fantastical spectacles. They're often complimented by their complex gardens, micro-forests, and exotic ice-based flora the Unn have cultivated for centuries.   Indeed, their homes are wondrous locations that show an attention to detail and care few other places are afforded. Surprisingly natural feeling despite the engineered design of it all, Unn dragons roam with great freedom, practicing their martial or magical arts, studying, and enjoying the pinnacle of life Unneyria could offer. This usually translates into things being rather noisy, especially the livelier Unn who are ever busied with insane creations or outrageous parties.   Generally, a sizeable chunk of Unntyoger is dedicated to the Sparkling Palaces, with most other areas being relegated to 'wild lands' and 'farming' territory. The closest thing to rampant wilderness, the Unn often cultivate truly exotic and profound specimens there.    
The underwater city of Unntyoger, Koyral begins at the 'bottom' of Unntyoger's glacial ice, and then extends down further into the ocean beneath. The city itself isn't fully drowned in water, but it makes abundant use of water ways, flood tunnels, and other places for frequent and easy access to the freezing ocean. This sunless place operates on strict schedules of day and night, complimented by a sophisticated lighting system. Indeed, aside from the general enclosed nature of it, most would feel Koyral is not that different from the surface of Unntyoger proper.   Since the vast majority of Unn dragons live above the water, Koyral is more akin to an enormous workshop, laboratory, and factory. Special underwater ports become points of trade with shermadi and ekurin, who usually trade valuable animal materials or ores for draconic goods. Unntyoger's own mining force, likewise, can operate on the deep ocean floor with relative impunity. All of it feeds back into the massive ice spires that connect Unntyoger, through Koyral, to the ocean beneath.   From a certain perspective, Unntyoger as a whole might resemble a tree, with the above-water glacial mass its 'canopy', Koyral the 'trunk', and the great ice spires sprawling down as its 'roots'. The Unn are, generally speaking, very cognizant of Koyral being a structural weakness in Unntyoger's defenses. With the expectation that calamity may potentially destroy the city, most of Koyral is built with defensive redundancies and security meant to survive unimaginable catastrophe.


Unntyoger is a textbook example of what unfettered draconic engineering can produce. Whereas many other lineages are usually concerned with keeping a balance with nature, the Unn had nothing really to concern themselves over. In fact, Unntyoger's location was chiefly selected thanks to a combination of desolate terrain and favorable position near trade routes. When the Unn moved in, what little did exist was simply integrated into their new ecological engineering.   The Unn gathered a vast array of flora and fauna, introducing them in five-year intervals to study how such confined habitation could work. They eventually selected out the larger, free roaming specimens in favor of sedentary choices. Choice predators were inserted lastly to act as a capstone that would keep the overall population levels stable. In many ways, Unntyoger is essentially a menagerie of nearly all of Unneyria.

Natural Resources

For a place dominated by dragons, Unntyoger has a hilarious lack of natural resources. Its carefully cultivated flora and fauna aims at being sustainable, and so is useful to reduce a lot of the Unn lineage's upkeep costs. However, it has literally no natural veltron, mineral, or metal wealth that is not imported or created through mana-based refineries. It is, however, rich in water, ice, and the bounties of Olaniad, and so features a lot of animal-based products.   Given such problems, it relies tremendously on its trade and resource harvesting fleets. In turn, Unntyoger's influence projects quite far, even beyond Unneyria and into places like Eylia, Karg, Honokom, and Fauverngarz. Although, such trips are by no means simple nor easy, even for dragons, and so the arrival of a trade fleet is very notable.


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