

An immense super-hive of bieneren, the Citokakon (see-toh-ka-kon) are rabidly xenophobic, violently attacking all forms of outside life that is not subjugated by their hive. They have long dominated their region in far northern Aerthen, with frequent raids committed by foraging drone-daughters. Their most notable enemy has historically been the rachtoh of Rotalhm, who jealously guard their prime forest territory in Aerthen's east and northeastern reaches. The members of the Citokakon hive are chiefly sky blue and black, and are thus extremely distinct to notice. This was by design, as the prior queens of the Citokakon bred in the color to better differ themselves from traditional bieneren looks.   There are few bieneren hives left on Veltrona maintaining their old ways so vehemently. Being the uncontested power in their region for many centuries, the Citokakon turned inward the more outside pressures settled on them. Their great change was to incorporate princess-daughters and queen-mothers into an elaborate royal court of what is, essentially, a single enormous family. The hundreds of these thought-capable individuals is what drives the Citokakon 'economy', intellectual pursuits, and other forms of civilized development. Attended by their many thousands upon thousands of drone-daughters and concubine-slaves, they live luxuriously and anxiously.   Being cut off from the wider world, the Citokakon's sense of development has gone down very different paths. Where as other bieneren abandoned chitin-based armor and weapons, the Citokakon continued on by necessity. Incredible breakthroughs saw their armed forces surge in strength, only to be matched by the newest innovations of their neighbors. Lacking mages of their own, they ever remain vulnerable to magical attacks as their greatest weakness. Unsurprisingly, they invest vast amounts of effort into creating anti-magic equipment as a result. Despite all of their wondrous achievements, however, they remain on the backfoot.   The one saving grace of the Citokakon's situation is the insane prospect of actually going to war with them. Their homeland is so incredibly entrenched even a 'natural field' is a well-designed fortification. Filled with countless thousands of willing-to-die soldiers who have no thoughts of self-preservation, it is an unimaginable nightmare waiting to happen. For this reason few nations have ever tried invading the Citokakon, leaving their border territories in a permanent deadlock. It is the Citokakon who seek expansion, and every so often a new princess-daughter will lead a war band to claim new territory.   In recent years, the surging reach of the Aerthen Imperial Federation has started encroaching upon them. As a point, many of the northern countries of Aerthen are angling to join the Federation, on the grounds the Citokakon are removed once-and-for-all. The prospect of such explosive membership, and achieving the long-sought goal of oceanic port territory, has proven terribly tempting. Whether or not the Federation will commit to such a horrendously costly war, however, is an entirely different matter. For their part, the Citokakon grow concerned by the newer, unknown outsiders stacking up on their borders.   They know well the omens of war, and the drone-daughters toil tirelessly to prepare.

Demography and Population

The handful of hundreds of 'outsider' species is barely worth identifying. They are kept solely on the whims of the princess-daughters and queen-mothers, and it is a horrendous fate to suffer under.


Refined through endless warfare and no scruples over morals or ethics, the Citokakon military approach with a willingness what others balk at doing. Unyielding defensive garrisons accompanied by suicidal soldiers form the backbone of fearless attackers, whom march with lightning speed. Overseen by veteran commanders, the unthinking drone-daughters execute age-old maneuvers and tactics with a perfection only reached by fanatical devotion. Of their queen-mothers, a number function as generals which command their vast legions with a speed and efficacy others have trouble matching.   The greatest problem they face outside of their magical weaknesses is their slow adaptation rate. The drone-daughters can only do so much before needing new plans from their queen-mothers. This creates awkward problems at tactical and strategic levels, which often form the fatal weaknesses used to repel their attacks. The queen-mothers' response to this have varied over the centuries. As the world arms itself better through new weapons and tactics, they've been forced to take more and more to the field. Depending on the circumstances, this is a boon and a bane--better responses to their legions, but a killed queen-mother renders all her legions comatose and dead.   Overall organized into functions, the different drone-daughters can be identified by their equipment fairly reliably. Their bulk orders structure means individualism or specialists is that much more troublesome to do. Depending on who is asked, this is good and bad--if one is fighting spear wielders and has many archers on hand, it's quite favorable. No one wants to be on the receiving end of a crossbow division, for their overwhelming barrages of bolts can stop near anyone in their tracks. Filling the role of forward commander and specialist, however, are various princess-daughters who have yet to earn queen-mother status. They are arguably the most dangerous enemies to face because they have none of the weaknesses of the legions, but retain all the strengths.


The Citokakon have no real concept of understandable spirituality among the queen-mothers and their princess-daughters. In their microcosm of existence, the ruling queen is regarded as the highest authority. The outside world is a dangerous and violent realm, fit only to be subjugated and adapted as new living space. It could be argued there is an undercurrent of 'belief' in a kind of after life. That is to say, they believe prior queen-mothers live on through the continued existence of the hive itself. This is not entirely separable from their perception of 'life is all there is', so it does not fit into most peoples' definitions easily.

Agriculture & Industry

Two main problems have ever stared down the Citokakon economy. Once their borders were established, they had no more space to continue expanding. With no outside partners to trade with, they cannot delegate extra resources toward acquiring what they need. Thus, they have become exceedingly efficient at utilizing what they have. It is admirable, in a sense, their effectiveness at creating multi-tier farming buildings, recycling waste to a point of near perfect conversion, and mining deep into the underground beneath them. They also achieved the core understanding of the solar obelisks independent of Atenkhet, allowing them to harvest solar energy for themselves.   As there is only a (relative) handful who need great diversity of food for personal tastes, the most created food is a kind of gelatin of honey and plant matter. Ideal for long-term storage, ease of transportation, and nutrition for the drone-daughters, it is an iconic food of theirs. A great deal of it ends up in the hands of their enemies who successfully raid or defeat a fortification. It is in turn distributed through their various countries, usually ending up in the hands of the poor and infirm. The social stigma surrounding it aside, it is a remarkable foodstuff that would be a powerful trading item if the Citokakon ever actually bothered.   Their main industries are divided into three overarching functions: maintenance and repair, military armaments, and engineering research. Mineral wealth is an absolute premium and so it is used sparingly and to its utmost capacity. In fact, many of their raids are often targeting mining locations, smeltries, ore pits, and other places that can provide viable metals. They are well-known for stripping even the nails out of a conquered fort in order to scavenge more metal for themselves. Despite their enemies ever trying to avoid feeding them these metals, they cannot afford to use anything else in warfare.


Engineering is one of the few powerful, recurrent ideological fields in the Citokakon hive. While science as a whole is a regular part of the queen-mothers' lives, engineering is the practical application of it into the hive. They are constantly working to improve infrastructure, create new workable materials, develop breakthroughs in food or weapons, and so forth. Their dedication is such even other bieneren queen-mothers regard it as obsessive. Given the tight box they are trapped within, however, it is the only outlet they have to improve their lives, so it is somewhat understandable.   Although reluctant to learn the languages and thinkings of others, the queen-mothers eventually had to. Unable to comprehend some of the problems facing them, they took toward stealing knowledge and learned persons in order to further themselves. Practical reality meant for however much they learned, they might not be able to actually apply. Learning of chemicals does nothing if they have no idea how to make or use them. Similarly, magical research is almost entirely worthless save as a means of predicting their enemies' weaponry. There is also no small amount of pride and arrogance blinding them, as the queen-mothers will disregard much if it does not suit their whims.   The result is a jagged, paradoxical, and wholly unique education environment that others may regard as an 'utter mess'. Nonetheless it is their way, and they have made do quite well with what is their understanding of the world.
Geopolitical, Province
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Neighboring Nations


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