Mount Skyreach


Between Jerhegn, Lophern, and the bottom stretch of Immensio, plate tectonics constructed an elaborately jagged mountain range. At the heart of this range, and the range's name sake, is a peculiarly massive, almost tower-like rock formation. It can in fact be seen from anywhere in the range and beyond, such is its impressive size. To many, the formation looks vaguely like a hand, though it only has four separate points instead of the normal five. While different names surround it, the wyvern's collective phrase of "the veltron reaching for the sky" eventually boiled down into Mount Skyreach for everyone else.   Being desolate by Veltrona's standards, the mountain range has bands of livable areas. Depending on how far one goes in, this lends to further isolation. Whole species of flora and fauna live there, almost entirely unique as a result. Not much can fly in or out, however, as the weather is outrageously unpleasant. Its borders push up against several weather currents, and the resulting conflicts produces dangerous winds. Only wyverns have the endurance and durability to really pierce through, but most are understandably reluctant to do so.   The outer regions of Mount Skyreach are lived in and mined upon, being the most comfortable place to do so. All sorts of ruined cities and mines can be found, abandoned willfully or not. As is the case, once the easier to reach ores were depleted, people became less willing or unable to venture deeper. This has made the deep reaches a fortress of solitude for many seeking it, and so too did a foreboding reputation follow. The greatest problem is Bloodwing, an ancient wyvern who claims the mountain range as her home. Being as she only patrols the inner areas, there is a band of "safe from Bloodwing" and "far from the outside" that everyone else falls into. Such is where the baarham led by Vanzkah zahd Ghown live.


While other mountain ranges arose slowly over time, Mount Skyreach did quickly by comparison. As a result, much of the actual land of the range is jagged and cut into vertical slices, with little erosion to smooth it out. It's quite noticeable when one finds a plateau or walkway that is suitable, as it is rarely a natural formation. Often whoever made it is long since gone, blown away by the harsh winds that howl through the reaches. Snow creates a formidable challenge in hiding sharp falls, as it can pack inside a crevice that cannot support the weight of people. Far too many have slid down into their doom, drowning in snow if the impact doesn't do the job. That being said, water is persistent. Over time the melting snows have cast off many small tributaries that become mighty rivers. Their carved out paths can be surprisingly safe if one can manage the water currents.

Fauna & Flora

So long as there is food there will be life. Throughout Mount Skyreach, bands of interconnected ecosystems form its version of the idea. They principally live within areas that are 'underneath' the raging winds, sheltered from the deadly effects. Unique moss, grass, and even trees can be found supporting more complex animals such as birds, quadrupedal mountain climbers, and more exotic forms. Being virtually cut off from the rest of Veltrona, they've evolved in isolation, with few interlopers in the form of wyverns appearing. There are some invasive species, principally from settlers throughout time who lived and died in the mountain range.

Natural Resources

By the standards of mountains, Mount Skyreach is ridiculously wealthy in material value. Several 'sleeping' magma veins have long dredged up ores from Veltrona's heart, infusing the surrounding rock. While the safer outer reaches are greatly contested and depleted in value, the inner areas remain. Few mining operations can reach them safely and maintain quota, but those who do can fuel entire nations by themselves. Such is the case for Khaaestra zahd Machkin's city-fortress. By using the dangers of Mount Skyreach as a form of defense, her mining company can fuel her incredible expenses unfettered by outside politics. That said, there is a yet unexploited opportunity in the wildlife of the mountain, but few people care enough to try.


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