Mother's Shield


A sea known for the safe harbor it provides against the Tempest Seas, it is an important port-location and maritime profitability area for Temu and Immensio. As such, it has a long history of naval warfare and piracy, belied by its otherwise comfortable name.


Bisecting Temu, fjords, bays, secretive coves, and widely expansive, lake-like sections are the hallmarks of Mother's Shield. Tall mountain ranges on its eastern flanks act as an enormous weather shield, stopping and simultaneously engendering the violent weather in the Tempest Seas. While it has a fairly decent depth, it is not enough for Shermadi to feel comfortable building underwater. As such, most opt for coastal dwellings that tend to be half-submerged or fully-submerged, depending on the year and tidal level.

Fauna & Flora

Without many large predators to speak of, the local fish tend toward a more sedentary manner of life. Visiting species from the Tempest Seas and Vastia from the north come through on the odd season, livening up the ecosystems with their intrusions. If anything, a rather large amphibious population lives in and around Mother's Shield, partaking of both the seas and Temu's rather wet climate areas quite happily.

Natural Resources

Being a primary water-based trade route sees quite a lot of traffic through the seas. In turn, fishing economies are prevalent virtually everywhere up and down coastlines. Some shorelines used to have mineral veins, but they've long been since mined out and abandoned. The area is otherwise resource poor for the time being, even if a lot of natural gas is trapped under the ground.
Inland Sea


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