The Tempest Seas


Once confused for being three different seas, later exploration validated that area later known as the Tempest Seas was, in fact, a single sea. With its vast and ever churning storms, it has long been a hostile place to anything above the water. Ships take great risk in traversing it, often having to travel along Immensio's northern coastline to reach Nemma, then loop around that continent to reach anywhere further east. The smattering of islands in the heart of the seas fare no better, being little more than barren rock and lightning-melted stone. That having been said, the Tempest Seas are not beset constantly by ship-capsizing winds. In these treacherous times, ships make a mad dash across the waters when they can. Few know when the storms will return, and great fortunes come to those who survive the crossing.   For the shermadi who dwell under the waves, salvaging has long been a pastime of their civilizations here. Any number of hapless souls end up drowned, and their valuables often prove worthwhile to pick up.


The northern mountains of Immensio, and the eastern ones of Temu created a sort of atmospheric cauldron. Cold northern winds descending into warmer western-blowing ones swirl together, creating the tempestuous weather the region is known for. As a consequence of the constant battering weather, the islands in the middle of the seas are virtually barren. Hardy rocks, overly smooth and otherwise desolate of anything living act like dangerous barriers to ships passing through.   Life under the water is far more conductive, however, seeing great currents bringing rich nutrients and life into the area frequently. As a result of these currents, some areas of the topology are notoriously dangerous to travel in.

Fauna & Flora

While there is little above the surface, for not even birds are that brave, the underwater world is a different beast. Chiefly notable is the frequent visiting of sea monsters from Vastia, who travel through in a large U-shaped migration. While they make for good hunting, the danger posed by them is hard to understate. As such, they typically have an oppressive effect on larger organisms. Frequent schools of smaller fish who are too agile fill out a lot of the fish-life to be found here. Those who might prove an appetizing snack tend to be bottom crawlers and other opportunists who can beat a hasty retreat.

Natural Resources

Thanks to its unique weather, one of the highlights of the Tempest Seas is the availability of lightning-aspected mana. Great crystal pillars grow on the decimated islands, stretching into the ground and nearby seas. Given the rarity and difficulty of acquisition, these crystals are a veritable treasure trove almost in plain, naked sight.   While sea-life is abundant, its slippery nature and the fact sea monsters travel through make actual fishing virtually impossible. Those who can do work from the coastlines are about as stable as can be in the area. Anyone else going farther in the seas is asking for a gruesome end.


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