

A kind of benign spirit that often acts like a guardian or supernatural aide to mortals. The monomata is an animalistic spirit, taking on the form of creatures both mundane and exotic. Those whose children died before them, the prayers of those seeking protection, and the hopes of a safe return home are what manifest a monomata. It wraps itself in clothing, items, and other features that no natural animal actually possesses, to better distinguish itself. Generally, their supernatural glowing is not actually that special, so it is that and their strange attires that make them identifible. While they are not human-grade sapient, they are surprisingly intelligent and insightful. Despite its appearance and behavior, the monomata is not formed from animal souls–no one really knows where they go or what happens to them.   Often called a guardian spirit, monomatas are one of the more direct spirits that help the living. They seek out lost children and guide them home, and help those in hopeless battles to survive. Sometimes they take an especial affinity toward someone, becoming a companion in their life until the end or they're no longer needed. It is rare for them to form this kind of bond, and so those blessed with a monomata companion tend to be highly regarded. Because the monomata is a 'just' existence, it despises evil and those who commit it. This means it can attack people who have otherwise disguised their deeds, and so some superstitions about it being an evil spirit persist.   Monomatas show up all over Veltrona, in the wild or in the service of deities. As such, whether worshipped or reviled, they're a prominent feature and usually the first kind of 'divine servant' most people meet. If they're not considered auspicious or fortunate to encounter, then they are powerful and respectable. It is no easy feat defending a child in the dangers of Veltrona, and so the monomata can be a fearsome being to encounter. The jiuweihu, muurun, and nebusah usually have closer relationships to the monomata, as it features prominently in their cultures. Some believe they themselves were descendants of a great monomata, hence their 'animalistic' appearance.

Basic Information


As an animalistic spirit, the monomata usually imitates all kinds of animal life, from the humble rat to the vast and expansive chontzincoatl. Its imitation is not 'perfect', much of its details being streamlined into a misty or streamy appearance; some might say phantom-like. However, there is no doubting its very corporeal capabilities. To better distinguish its own 'divine' nature, the monomata adorns itself in clothing, fixtures, and other people-like creations. For example, holy ropes, miniature buildings, icons of religious worship, and other easy-to-identify features. These usually reflect the cultures or area it lives in, so those there can recognize it better.

Biological Traits

Innocent Justice – The measure of one's deeds can be judged by the monomata, and they do not care for the political or cultural convenience the living use as excuses.   Life Sense – They can sense and track the living with a supernatural efficiency, regardless of their 'other' senses.
Watchful Guardian


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