Minben Zai, Mage-Scholar (min-ben zai)


Born to the prestigeous Minben family of Aochen, Zai herself came from a clan much lower in the social pecking order. Despite that, the Minben's strict adherence to learning and knowledge meant anyone of their family would receive an outstanding education. Secluded in a mountain fortress deep within Aochen, they had no real threats or concerns to distract from their scholarly pursuits. Thus, for decades Zai grew up, learned, and perfected intellectual crafts as so many others did.   However, the stagnant life she'd grown up in only stifled her desires. Zai didn't want to simply read and memorize about the world, but to experience and study it first hand. Unfortunately, she never ranked impressively enough to warrant scholarships or financial assistance from the clan or family for expeditions. The most she could afford would be signing on as an assistant to someone else's ambitions. Zai instead took it upon herself to leave and finance her own expedition, and send back her results to impress the family.   Such an ordeal took her a century of work across Aochen's vast mountains, plains, and forests. The homegrounds of the Minben, a certain meticulous attention to detail was needed to find something 'worthwhile'. She made a name for herself in the medicinal and material fields, finding newer, inventive means of applying both. It didn't stack up against the immense accomplishments of her elders, but it did gain her funding and expeditionary assistance. Zai looked toward the west, instead of the east like most of peers, for her first major excursion.   Crossing the Barrier Sea, she made landfall at Sskeesa, then ventured toward Rotalhm. It took her some years, but she managed to earn something of an accord with the rachtoh denizens. Impressed by Zai's fluffy fur as much as her meticulous mind, rachtoh scholars themselves took her under their arms. For some decades more, she lived among them and learned their ways, as well as made use of their massive trading network.   Information, as much as goods, flowed through their webs, and Zai heard of much. She catalogued a list of fifteen desirable targets for personal acclaim, but they'd all take her across the bredth of Aerthen to find. Once she tied up her affairs in Rotalhm years later, Zai left, heading southward. It would be on that journey she encountered Suhla Black-Rope, a former Rotalhm huntress of some capability. The two got on well, and Zai hired Suhla as a body guard and escort.   It would be, during pursuit of one of her desired targets, the two of them ran across Alexandre and his Fearless Ananpae adventurer group. To her surprise, they were hunting an astounding quarry: a potential baarham Dominion-era artifact of considerable power. Seeing the opportunity it represented, she agreed to join them and help in exchange for studying the artifact. An entire adventure of its own accord, one that landed them all straight into the catastrophic Traitors' War.   Despite all the turmoil, hardship, and worse she'd seen, Zai maintains a reverent respect for life and its mysteries. For the time being, she'd remain in Aerthen yet, finishing off her list before returning home to Aochen. Whether or not it'd gain her the acclaim she longed for, she didn't know. But, in the company of such interesting and vibrant people and their lives, she found all the experiences she craved.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A mixture of plump and muscular, Zai has had the luxury of vast and delicious foods, but also the hardship of work. As a result, her figure is more the result of necessity than any particular martial training. Something of an hourglass-shape, her fur tends to be unusually fluff and so she can seem like a poofy ball sometimes.

Apparel & Accessories

A yellow, cotton long-sleeved shirt and pants forms her underlayer. The outer layer is a thicker, dark blue colored shirt with sweeping and long sleeves. A long, ankle-reaching gray skirt covers her legs; the skirt is split down the sides of her legs, making for 'front' and 'back' sides. Silver embroidery on her front, left breast portrays an unfurled scroll, showing the Minben family name upon its sheet. This attire is entirely that of a scholar's and emphasizes functional elegance. She wears simple but paw-foot protecting sandals, obviously meant to be replaced frequently from overuse.   A simple brown leather utility belt adorns her waist, as well as two pouches on both her legs. A hunting knife and dagger rest on her lower back. An over-the-shoulder strap holds onto not only two different journals, but also writing materials and tiny bottles for specimen acquisition. She has no discernible weapons aside from the knife and dagger.
Year of Birth
2155 TD 280 Years old
Angled, widely expressive eyes; sharply yellow-green irises, white sclera
Mid-back length, lushly light brown, fluffy but smooth hair.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Honey skin tone; oak brown main fur, dull gray secondary fur.
5'6"ft; 167cm


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