Ananpae (Ah-nan-paey)


Few things combine audacity and recklessness in the same way as the lengthsome but small ananpae. A flexible pipe of fur, meat, claws, and anger, the ananpae is often regarded as a kind of vermin by most peoples. They range far, explore frequently, and have just enough clever craftiness to get into places they shouldn't. When confronted by an adversary, whether people or other animals, the ananpae has no concept of backing down.   It will posture, aggressively harass, and torment their enemy into leaving. Only in situations of being hopelessly outmatched do they bother to retreat. In others, it will ignore problems or competitors if they're not directly interfering with what it's doing. What that means for each ananpae is different, though, and sometimes very stupid decisions will be made.   Principally carnivorous with a side diet for soft, fleshy fruits, the ananpae is a skittering disaster for anything smaller than it. They'll clean entire fields clear of bugs, tiny mammals, and anything they find remotely appetizing. For traditional field and orchid farmers, they're quite beneficial to keep around for the most part. However, they're just as likely to find a way into grain silos or other food storage and demolish the place. In such a light, sometimes the bug problem is preferrable.   Ananpae are believed to be monogamous, but their mortality rate is embarassingly high. While both sexes are indescriminately braver than they are smarter, the males push the idea further when courting potential partners. When they do become successful, the female comparatively favors sedentary habits when rearing young. Or at least, habits that are not self-endangering. The males make up for that themselves, and usually die to some predator they shouldn't have engaged.   As a result, ananpae communities tend to be dominated by older females with a rotating staff of viable male counterparts. The males that do survive for long periods tend to be the underperformers. Ironically, their lax habits favor safer or more productive avenues. For the layperson, distinguishing these behaviors is functionally impossible to do. It's a marvel the species has survived as long as it has, really.   For all of their colorful reputation and folk tails (both flattering and not), the ananpae of Aerthen have been receiving something of a second life. Thanks to Alexandre, Hero of Aerthen and his adventurer group, the Fearless Ananpae, many people started reconsidering the ananpae's role in nature. It's been an unintended side affect on popular culture, as most people are more willing to relocate than exterminate intrusive ananpae communities nowadays.

Basic Information


Similar to mustelidae, the ananpae is analagous to a fur-covered snake with four limbs and a snout full of daggers. They have two front limbs and two back legs, both largely similar except their front limbs have an extra digit for manipulating objects. Their charmingly cute and mammalian physique is, for their size, flexible and muscular. A dense layer of fur almost covers their entire body, leaving some facial features and paws exposed. A stubby tail caps their butt, though some variant races can grow longer or even flexibly useful tails. They have two relatively large ears atop their two-eyed head, and can swivel around for sound detection.   A thin sheet of skin runs along the ananpae's body, 'connecting' their front limbs and rear legs. This lightly furred flap of skin can be extended outward, giving the ananpae glider wings to catch air currents. They're principally used when jumping off of high vantage points, or during particularly windy days or storms. This unique feature of theirs gives them even more flexibility in their environments, making them capably impressive.   Their eye colors are usually in the greens and amber yellows, while their fur can vary from black, red, orange, and brown. Their underside fur is an opposing color to their topside; e.g, black and white. While they can camouflage to parts of their environments, ananpae fur is more a statement of presence than something meant to hide them.

Biological Traits

Bravery – Ananpae have little sense of fear, and only respect truly unfathomable threats like dragonkind. They'll mind their manners around them, but for everyone else, they'll throw down on the spot to try and win.   Wind Glider – Although not aspected for any particular mana, the ananpae are capable navigators of wind currents.   Extendo – Ananpae can grow to be quite long, with older ones having trouble walking quickly. However, they become more capable of managing aerial flight, and so can slither-glide through the air from vantage to vantage.
Average Height
Average Weight
Geographic Distribution


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