Larmedi (lar-med-ee)


One of the most commonly encountered aquatic peoples on Veltrona, the larmedi can be found almost anywhere in the seas and oceans across the world. While physiologically nearly identical, there is a massive cultural rift between them and the ocean dwelling shermadi. Of the two, the larmedi principally dwell within continental seas, river systems, lakes, and sometimes the beaches of certain oceans. In another sense, they are the 'fresh water' dwelling variant of the 'salt water' dwelling shermadi.   When one spots a pair of eyes peering out from the waters, or a mysterious person and their haunting, if beautiful songs, around a lakeside, more often than not that is a larmedi. Unlike the ocean dwelling shermadi, who were usually far away from most land walker civilizations, the larmedi have ever grown alongside their walker contemporaries.   Often the uncontested ladies of the seas and rivers, many visited upon them tribute and trade, seeking the bounties of their worlds. In turn, the larmedi made use of the walkers who brought to them the many things only the lands could realize. In time, as these relations grew closer and bloodlines intertwined, something curious happened. Larmedi anaxials were born, but unlike their jointed humanoid fathers, they were bipedal like their mothers.   Their arrival created a pivotal change in the larmedi way of things: these anaxial offspring could walk on land, and swim pretty well within the waters. With such talents within their family lines, the larmedi eagerly raised up these anaxials, who in turn became a bridge between lands and waters. Most larmedi civilizations, as a result, came to feature both types of larmedi with regularity, something that often confuses those unfamiliar with them.   Unfortunately, limited by their particular environmental needs, the larmedi largely do not live outside of watery locales or humid, tropical areas. While there has been efforts for them to veltronform new areas suitable for them, this puts them in direct competition with other walker civilizations. War, typically, results and so the larmedi are pushed back to their habitable areas. Those fortunate enough to live in seas have a luxury of space to develop within, but there is a very real fear about the limitations of such a space.   This fear deepens when the likes of walker fishing and trading fleets attempt to make use of the waters. Since there are no waterborne Relentless Herds and Packs, no ocean-borne leviathans, and fairly manageable sea-based threats, such trade routes are a premium resource. It is by carefully levarging this value that many larmedi civilizations prosper, and find an accord with their walker neighbors. That same value is also what brings war and destruction when the larmedi deny access, or leverage too many demands the walkers are unwilling to meet.   Control over their own waters is a defining point for nearly every larmedi civilization. It is often through political brilliance or military confrontation that they have been able to protect their waters. The less fortunate among them often end up displaced, or under the boot of a walker nation that uses them as tools for territorial control. Still, Veltrona has many, many bodies of water and countless lakes and rivers–the larmedi are never long for options in how to torment their enemies. Few have the willingness to keep fighting when their cities run out of water, or the sewage lines start back-flooding with rot and disease.   Nonetheless, living space is a chief concern among the larmedi, and the times ever affect how livable their spaces truly are. All sorts of efforts have gone into figuring out means of expansion, the most promising of which tends to be toward the underground. By carving out huge underwater caverns, they can construct more living and farming space there to suit their needs. While that has worked to some extent, many larmedi do not like to live in the sunless waters underground.   It remains to be seen how they'll navigate such a complicated issue, especially as Veltrona and its walkers changes around them. For some, it is a much more pressing problem than others.

Basic Information


The larmedi have unusual anatomy in that there are two physiologically different types of larmedi: jointed, and bipedal.   Jointed humanoid larmedi are principally similar to the parent species, the shermadi. A notable divergence is that their colors, patterns, and camouflage is adapted toward seas, rivers, and inland environments rather than the oceans.   Bipedal humanoid larmedi are largely similar except they have two legs, instead of a fish-like lower body as the jointed humanoid type does. The legs of bipedal larmedi are exceedingly human-like, with the feet notably being heavily scaled and with claw-like nails out of the toes.   Bipedal larmedi are also noted to have different types of skin and scale textures, usually being closer to various types of amphibians than the fish-like one of jointed larmedi. Bipedal larmedi have webbed skin between their fingers and toes, as well as a small, semi-usable tail. The length of the tail varies between their knees or to their feet, and has some functionality for being used in swimming.

Biological Traits

In addition to all the traits they inherited from shermadi, larmedi have the following differences:   Fresh Water Adaptation – Larmedi have adapted to living in fresh, unsalinated waters, and would struggle greatly to survive in oceanic waters.   Amphibious – Bipedal larmedi can exist on land and water with great adaptability and comfort compared to the jointed larmedi.

Civilization and Culture

Relationship Ideals

The larmedi sense of community is both tight-knit and factional, as they often look toward their own before the outside. The context for this varies greatly depending on what sort of outside pressures are coming in. When faced by the likes of walkers, water-dwelling larmedi are more than willing to set grievances aside and unite together. When faced with competition over their own resources, ritualistic forms of conflict resolution are brought out. This sense of unified problem solving is a critical underpinning to how they live.   The different larmedi factions can represent many things, from unifying ideologies, to common interests and moments of convenience. Navigating them is an artform in itself, as mutual benefits is the currency by which all larmedi do business on. Those who are skilled in such often obtain great reverence, and further business alike.   While this sounds highly transactional in nature, one must consider the world view of the larmedi themselves. Whether it be in the seas, rivers, or lakes, the boundaries of how far they can reasonably go is extremely real to them. Those who can go farther are often great and powerful, in some way, to do so. For many, it is a difficult goal to realize. Hence, within the boundaries of their world that exists, the flow of resources is a number one concern.   Honor, integrity, and reputation are cornerstones of larmedi affairs as a result. When those who are greedy appear, and disrupt the flow of resources, it viscerally comes to endanger many more lives. The larmedi are quick to punish such people, which ever puts them at odds with those who don't understand these principles.   For the romantic, bonding and/or marriage with the larmedi entails both one's charming qualities, and one's meaningful contributions. Responsibilities ever entail a price, material or otherwise, and it is something the larmedi consciously weigh with such decisions. The willingness to shoulder that responsibility is, in itself, one of the keystones that first builds the relationship.   The marriage, or subsequent family unit, is defined by the division of responsibilities alongside the enticing courtship of those involved. In a way not at all dissimilar to the shermadi, the larmedi are looking for companions to live with their lives with–not simply romantically, but functionally as well. Different professions or worldviews coming together in a way that, ultimately, benefits them all and enrichens them in doing so.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

If the shermadi live within the boundless oceans, unfettered and free, the larmedi live within the bound seas, confined and limited.   There is an acute, pervading awareness of this fact that permeates its way through all larmedi cultures. To them, their world is their seas, rivers, and lakes: the places of water and humidity. The lands beyond are not unreachable per say, but dangerous. Only those well-prepared and capable of handling such places can survive, and it is a challenge not all of them can readily meet. Hence, it is ever a case of 'their world' against 'everyone else', and they regard those who approach their waters as visitors or guests.   It is a sentiment that ever drives friction between the larmedi and walkers, who have great need of such waters themselves for one reason or another. The larmedi are not just about to let their waters be taken or used, for they often and quite literally have nowhere else to go. Those who would use their waters must strike an accord, and adhere to it most seriously, or the larmedi will not hold back their fury.   More than one city has found its sewage systems completely destroyed for relentlessly dumping its waste into their rivers, after all. Others have found toxins spread about, poisoning the lakes they would drink from. Indeed, the larmedi do not want for means of sabotaging those who would use their waters. Those who would wage war against them in turn, too, find out how difficult confronting them can truly be.   Unsurprisingly so considering how naturally competitive the larmedi themselves tend to be.   Since open fighting amongst themselves may collapse their world, the larmedi channel need and desire through ritualistic forms of challenges, duels, performances, and so on. The exact nature they take on are both numerous and quite detailed, varying from friendly and even recreational to dreadfully serious. Fun and games go hand in hand with the larmedi every day lifestyle, and it can be tricky figuring out one from the other. It does lend them to be rather effective arbiters, and many surrounding civilizations often call on the larmedi to arbitrate their own conflicts.   Vorahnko, or methods similar to it, are perhaps the most common forms of recreation among the larmedi. Its unique blend of artistic performance and competition framing allow them to bring to bear truly fantastic shows of their prowess.   That said, to call the larmedi hedonistic or lazy would be a grave disservice. They're meticulous caretakers of their waters, studious mistresses of environmentalism, and inventively clever engineers. Their conscious awareness of what the limits of their world reinforce not only protecting it, but knowing how to maintain and expand it. Their works push frontiers of architecture rarely found elsewhere on Veltrona, and serve as an inspiration to wondrous achievements merging water living and land together.
Mermaids, fish people, amphibian people
Genetic Ancestor(s)
150~ Years
Average Height
6ft / 182cm
Average Weight
250lb / 113kg


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