

The 'children of the devouring storm(s)', kelansahdar are mighty serpent beasts that prowl throughout Sa-kemet. Often thought of as the wayward offspring of Kalarahdar, their origins is quite unknown but few have cared to discover it. Their natural affinity for veltron magic suits well for their veltron-delving method of movement.   Being seismically sensitive, they hunt through disturbances picked up by erratic movement. Much like rocks thrown into water, these ripples can call them from miles away if they're motivated enough to make the journey. In doing so, their movements are distinct with the sudden rumbling of veltron, and great plumes of sandy dust jetting up into the air.   Like their mythical forbearer, the kelansahdars are omnivorous creatures that devour most anything they can find. They are more carnivore than herbivore, but some do nest in especially rich areas that might offer mana-rich foodstuffs. As such, kelansahdars are by necessity limited in their activity. They frequently rest in a hibernation-like state, much of their body slowing down save their active senses.   If their last meal has finally run its course and they pick up a new one, they'll stir to hunt again. Their appearances can be erratic as a result, much like the storms of the desert winds. Often the cause of a lost caravan in the deep deserts, their appearances are foreboding and often taken as a sign of impending calamity.   Some Sa-kemet Tribes are known to, somehow, tame some of the kelansahdar. These muurun warriors, despite being few in number, are especially feared throughout the Tribes. Given the near indestructibility of their mounts, handfuls are known to have routed entire armies in ages past.   They are much rarer in modern contexts, where improved ranged weapons has stripped the legendary resilience of the kelansahdar away. It is hard to argue against a giant serpent suddenly erupting from the veltron as a valuable asset, all the same.

Basic Information


A serpent covered in sandstone-like scales, kelansahdar are slithering coils of muscle and armor. The jagged, rock-like armor covers them like plate mail, leaving most of their body impervious to mundane forms of attack. Even their under bellies are fairly sturdy despite the necessary smoothness they need to move with. They have approximately eight eyes, running down the spade-shaped head of theirs to offer a large, nearly 270-degree angle of view. These eyes are meant for long-range viewing, not unlike a bird of prey, surveying vast stretches of desert. Although they 'see' and hunt primarily through seismic waves, there is no denying the slowness of these waves for vast distances. Thus, the kelansahdar is exceptional at finding prey in vast swathes of dirt and sand. As a result, however, they are basically deaf--sound waves are too out of tune for what they listen for.   The mouth is filled with flat, angled teeth designed to grind anything eaten with a saw-like twisting of the jaw.

Biological Traits

Veltron Magic -- Kelansahdar use instinctual forms of magic to sense movement, manipulate veltron to tunnel through, and transform the veltron around prey to better trap them.   Juggernaut -- Kelansahdar are physically robust to an absurd degree, shrugging off damage that would break most creatures.

Genetics and Reproduction

It is believed that the kelansahdar reproduces through parthenogenesis, as mating pairs or any kind of courtship has never been observed. This theory is often supported by their unusual reproductive tract, which functions as a one-time delivery for a clutch of eggs. As a result there is some debate if they are a mono-female species or not. Their respective god, being male, confers a male status to them, while some argue they are agender entirely. For practical purposes they are often considered male in documentation, though.

Growth Rate & Stages

Freshly hatched kelansahdar are ready to go, departing from their solitary parent into the deserts. Lacking their distinctive armor, one can only identify the brown-and-white speckled serpents properly from their eyes and teeth. These human-sized creatures often stalk smaller prey overlooked by their adult-sized kin. As they themselves age, molting and general growth promotes their armor, but it can take up to several decades for one to fully mature.

Ecology and Habitats

Found exclusively within Sa-kemet, the kelansahdar cannot survive in hotly humid or cold environments whatsoever. As a result they're found mostly within the deep deserts, and few are ever found near the coastline of the Shimmering Ocean.

Biological Cycle

Given the relative stability of their environment (for them, anyway), their activity levels are entirely dependent on food availability. If a great abundance becomes available, they will gorge then rest for great lengths of time to maximize their meal. Ergo, if one finds a kelansahdar on the move, it is either hunting or has had its rest disturbed.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

While their meat is not the greatest around, its exotic nature has often been imparted with mystical qualities. As a result its often sold to nobilities, mages, priestesses, and others who have need of such. What truly draws attention is their skin, scales, and the dense veltron-aspected crysium growing within their bodies. All sorts of incredible armors and richly reinforced structures have been made from these parts. Magically gifted, veltron-wielding persons have also achieved much greater affinity through special crafts made from them. Given the rarity and difficulty of acquiring it, however, owning kelansahdar equipment or having a structure made from one is an declaration of rich affluence and status.
Scientific Name
Average Height
Moderate (newborn) -> Giant (adult)
Average Weight
Heavy (newborn) -> Massive (adult)
Geographic Distribution


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