Immortals' Gate


Located in northern-central Nerzin, the Immortals' Gate is a peculiar geological fixture as much as a structure. An ancient roadway into the greater mountains of northern Nerzin cuts through two large, curving pillars. These pillars arise from the ground as if grown from the veltron itself, their tips coming to hang over the road slightly. Hence, it is often seen as a gate of somekind. Legends attest that immortals seeking seclusion for enlightenment would pass through, heading into the inhospitable mountains beyond. Others say the formation is actually a doorway into other realms, and those who are unworthy simply go to the mountains instead. Some more ponder if it is a great barrier, created to keep back some kind of terrible creatures from beyond.   While the fantastical surrounds it, there is some curiousities about it. The two pillars themselves are made out of blackstone, though not the celestial variant, in an area that does not have any naturally occuring. At some point, other civilizations had built around it, though only the barest of walls and foundations remain. No real hint could be found as to which ancient civilization might've been responsible. Some wokma came, fancifully taken with the idea it may be another kind of World Gate. Alas, aside from its unusual composition, there is no real technology nor magic about it.   At some point, the area was important enough for a large settlement, but the reasons are impossible to discern. Where facts fail to answer, myth supplies, and the Immortals' Gate took on all kinds of mystical importance. The shape and appearance of the gate is what would inspire later designs, evocative of the idea of 'heading toward immortality'. In tradition, one would place the gate analog behind themself, indicating they are on the path toward immortality. Velandra, Sovereign of the Heavens's helm, evocative of this idea, means something different. By wearing it on her person directly, she is implying that she is immortal, the path to immortality, and generally at the level of such a significant idea. It can be seen as an extremely audacious statement, and more traditional minds would regard it as unbearably arrogant and demeaning to them. Conversely, those who place the analog in front of themselves are stating they have achieved immortality by hence 'passing through the gate'.


Aside from the blackstone 'gate', the region as a whole is a transitionary one. The vast wild forests to its south terminate into a steppe environment, and once one passes through the gate, it rapidly becomes a vast mountain range. An ancient waterway guides a tribuitary from a river deeper in the mountains, curving through the steppe and into the forests beyond. While most of the ancient foundations have been removed by new settlements, it's not hard to find them dotted all over the place. As one heads toward the gate, they can turn around to see the vast wilderness of Nerzin, in all its fantastical colors, enormous-to-bizarre plants, and tropical-like weather. Beyond the gate awaits a seemingly endless mountain range, desolate beyond compare for all its treasures are deeply hidden away.   Due to the massive amount of blackstone the gates are made out of, the area is also much more saturated in mana than normal. Bizarre phenomena, like boulders and chunks of veltron suddenly levitating for a while, are not unheard of. Freak microstorms may also spontaneously come into existence, dropping rain randomly or sending out lightning strikes. For those who live there, it is not an unmanageable problem, but it does make living around the gate quite exciting.

Natural Resources

The steppe environment itself is relatively barren, having been built over or otherwise occupied by people for long periods of time. To the south awaits bountiful forests and all that entails, while the northern mountains offer mining opportunities. Due to the remoteness of the location, it hasn't been heavily exploited by miners, so much of the mineral wealth remains. This is an especially curious detail because, due to prior settlement, one would expect there to be massive signs of mining activity. Aside from some basic buildings and mild veltronaformation, it is fairly pristine in its condition.
Rock Formation
Location under


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