Amonder Moatari, the Sublime Performance


Of all the wonders and splendors to be found in the Twilight Reverie‌, none command more awe and joy than the affluent ring master himself. Concealed behind a beautiful stone mask, its impenetrable gaze dances with every flourish of his arm, each expression changing to fit that perfect moment. Armed with an endless wardrobe of cloaks, suits, dresses, and more, Amonder's stage plays form the heart of the reverie's grandest shows. When one thinks he is done, his ever endless legion of performers flock out from behind the veil, bursting from the floor, and descending from the shadowy rafters above.   It is said that each show is a little unique--certainly, he has his themes, but no two plays are ever the same. A reputation well-deserved, for many have spoken of his fantastical accomplishments far and wide. Even more impressive, his ability to impress all of his audiences. Whether the ever curious human, the perpetually vexed dragon, the inquisitive jiuweihu, or even the salacious mussuba, not one can complain there is not something for them. And, come curtain call, he disappears in a grand finale that no one is sure to forget.   For, these are but Amonder's opening acts, shows given to the happy audiences seeking an escape from reality.   The true performance begins after, when those who pay the price come to see the greatest show on Veltrona.   It is then Amonder's talent for the fantastic is revealed in great feats of both performer and audience. Terrifying beasts fight brave acrobatics, while dancers flit through swinging blades, burning rings, and ever deadlier obstacles. One wave of his arm after another, he directs the beautiful symphony, partaking in himself at the highest of notes. It is in those brief moments that Amonder and his chosen performer become a duet, dancing the dance of death, ever desperate for life. They, more than any other, see his eyes, and hear his soft whispers.   It is, in those great, final moments, they hear him begging them to forgive him.   And, in a flourish of blood kissed by awe-struck eyes, their lives vanish to the excited oohs and aahs of his audience.   One-by-one all they come to their end, until only Amonder remains on the stage, giving his final, kneeling bow.   All the claps subside, for all the mad, gleeful gazes of everyone turn toward the few madams sitting in the highest of boxes.   Only when his vampire mistresses clap with delightful glee that he then takes his leave, and the curtains fall closed, until the next time he is called to the stage.   Thus is the fate of a once-famed vampire hunter, now nothing more than the plaything of those he once hunted. To utilize all his talents and skills to ever butcher the living, to desecrate and profane them for the audience. And, cursed is he, unable to escape even in death, bound to artifice hidden away.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Being tall, he is almost lanky, though still possessed of his toned figure. Ironically rather vampish in appearance, his unhealthiness can more attributed to bad sleep, working night owl hours, and partaking rather questionable meals.

Body Features

A series of inky tattoos dot his pale body. They're written in an obscure vampyr dialect, and seem to have a relation to the mystical orders in Toi'drinn.

Facial Features

Amonder is never seen without his mask, leaving only its chiseled, super-perfect features on display.

Identifying Characteristics

His mask and normal attire are starkly identifying, if not as a part of the Reverie, then definitely a performer of some kind.

Special abilities

Hunter's Insight -- Although he has spent long as caged animal, to survive among vampires has kept his hunter senses sharp and in prime condition.   Minor Illusion Magic -- Practicing illusionary arts to further his performance, he can achieve feats like brief invisibility, disguise, and spectral refractions, all to misdirect and manipulate the viewers. Unfortunately, his lack of magical talent means he has hit the limits of what he can do with it.   Sophisticated Gadgets -- It is hard to see, but an array of tools covers his person, sufficient for killing and performing altogether. What he lacks in his illusion magic, he makes up for in excess with his technical expertise honed by decades of practice.   Eternal Prisoner -- Forced into becoming a Lich, his soul is sealed away out of reach. Yet, dangling on puppet strings, he can only dance, for the pain of death, and the horrible experience of reanimating are no comforts to be had.

Apparel & Accessories

With his white-stone mask and tall figure, cut by the sharp shoulders and black cloak surrounding him, he is a rather dashing sight.   The mask itself is adorned with clear crystals, cut to conform and accentuate the sharp curves they're installed into. The actual 'face' of the mask itself can transform, but only when Amonder waves a hand or arm over it. Only when no one can see the face does his 'magic' work, causing it to change to whatever expression he wants to show next. A black undersuit covers his actual head, drawing the eye to the mask. In another way, this same undersuit covers much of his actual body.   Swept-out bronze-plated shoulders carry a large, expansive cloak that billows when he moves at full gait. Underneath, a fine-fitted black vest with white frills gives shape and volume to his frame. Adorning that, in the form of vambraces, shin-guards, a belt, he often cuts an imposing visage befitting of a lord. All this, however, built to be lightweight and flexible, ideal to get swapped out quickly to another attire when needed.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





A brilliant vampire hunter once-upon-a-time, armed with decades of experience and a fine tuition from a noble city. Amonder is intelligent to a fault, and cleverer still, a strict necessity in his (former) line of work. Now, all that is bent to creating the most extravagant performances, appeasing both the crowds and his mistresses.

Mental Trauma

Every murder he commits haunts him; and countless years in the thrall of vampires has imparted bloody, terrifying nightmares in his mind. Amonder has not had a good's night sleep for as long as he can remember. The torment of guilt has long become his only dependable ally.

Intellectual Characteristics

Armed with a flamboyant persona, characterized by a sharp intellect and charismatic tongue. He is an almost larger-than-life figure, grounded with a surprising dash of relatability that makes him wonderful to be around. All this, to better suit the stage he hates more than anything else. It is only in those brief moments the eyes cannot see, nor the ears hear, does his true colors come to the surface. A man, smarter than he might say, broken in and hollowed out by endless years of atrocities.

Morality & Philosophy

All he does, is to survive, so that one day he might strike down the vampires he hates so much. There is nothing he cannot afford to do that will not appease them. For, to show a reluctance, would be to invite them to force him all the more to perform it.

Personality Characteristics


To survive, he must appease his vampire mistresses with his extravagant, bloody performances. To do so, he practices, designs, and orchestrates all sorts of plays, driven by the ever desperate understanding of what will happen if he fails.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
A title well-earned by his dazzling displays and stage performances; those who know of the Reverie know of him, undoubtedly.
Round, widely expressive eyes; hazel, with strong green
Shoulder-length, neatly cut and shaped; black color
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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