The Twilight Reverie


  Across Veltrona, a wandering caravan or two may mysteriously appear in a city or village without warning one day. These caravans unpack into mighty tents and fake-houses, forming a carnival ground of fun and celebration. On its surface, the Twilight Reverie is just that, and almost no one can distinguish the caravan or its personnel as anything out of the ordinary. For many, that is all it will ever be, and so wealth and happiness flow freely as customers come and go.   Amidst this veneer of celebration, men and women carrying porcelain masks walk, run, and play throughout the crowds. These wandering entertainers select ideal candidates, offering rare and exclusive seats in the main tent for the grand show. Indeed, even those operating the game stands are seeking candidates, and fix their games so that the candidates win the grand prize of acquiring one of these tickets. Regardless, they gather as many as they secretly can within the main tent, and then the show begins.   At its heart, the Twilight Reverie is ran by a loose council of vampires running a performance show, with all of the Reverie's working personnel their thralls in some form or another. Their chosen victims are those with the most premium of blood and mana, where they are drained to the point of near-death, ever enrichening the vampires controlling everything. From these tortured victims they select new workers and thralls, but dispense most of the rest back to avoid detection. Indeed, in the ill-informed world at large, a great deal of their victims simply look over exhausted from too much partying.   That most of them become sickly or die within the following months is simply a coincidence, and almost no one links it back to the celebrations the Twilight Reverie orchestrated.   The Twilight Reverie employs largely living, if unaware or compelled, servants to avoid detection. The vampiric elite operating the show are reclusive in the extreme, further making their imminent detection difficult to do. While perhaps ignorable as some kind of strange vampire coven when looked at individually, the organization and wide reach of the Twilight Reverie is deeply alarming. If one was to consider them as a solidified land territory, they would, as a whole, easily match or exceed even the largest of vampire aristocracies in the world.   It is of grand concern to their hunters, then, who the real mistressmind behind the Twilight Reverie is, and what her goals are.


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