Agapeon (Ah-ga-pe-eon)


For the people of Veltrona, apageons are existences far more myth than reality. To the mortal mind they could be considered the greatest 'servants' of It-That-Loves-Us. Bending reality around themselves, they are a person, place, and self-defining existence wrapped up into one. From the outside, they can appear as twisting and turning 'landscapes': households, lands, staircases, pillars, and more pieces of architecture. Wild flora intertwines, adorning the architecture as much as fighting it for dominance.   Hence, to behold an agapeon is to see the pinnacles of beauty, both natural and people-made.   Like the ouroboros uplifter, agapeons exclusively live within the vastness of space. They're best observed through telescopes and sight-enhancing magics, where they can be seen in the darkness of night. Ancient astronomers, and others captivated by the night sky, rarely beheld a few as they passed by Veltrona itself. Some historians believe these encounters is where many different peoples associated with 'a paradise in the Heavens' by seeing an agapeon.

Basic Information


Possessed of such size and scale as to defy belief, it's hard to tell if the agapeon is the entire construction, or some controlling entity within it. Regardless, the supratitanic height and weight, combined with its twisting and churning physique, ranks this among the most unusual of servants to It-That-Loves-Us.   Expanding upon the precedent of the storgeists, the agapeon has forgone any sense of landscaping or 'veltrony natures'. It is wholly an animated superstructure, built with alien geometries and unknowable construction methods. Staircases turn upon staircases; towers float upside down; entire dormitories, castles, and palaces twisted as if rung through the hands. Were one to focus on any single point, the mind might begin to make sense of it, but to look away in the slightest would be to maddeningly lose their place again.   Ever vaguely in the shape of a hand, agapeons do not move–reality shifts things closer or further to them. One can find themselves crushed under its immense weight, or thrown into some distant quardent of its body, where upon they will find it is quite readily occupied by truly indescribable beings. To behold them is to feel love in its purest form, and to be overcome by it or one's sense of shame at their own failures of as a being.   As with other servants of It-That-Loves-Us, crimson colored, worm-like connective tissues fuse the different limbs and parts together. Unlike many others, this connective tissue erupts out, forming a webwork of ecology that lives in harmony with the agapeon's incredible architecture. It is truly as if beholding another world in its entirety when their total being is observed.

Biological Traits

Divine – This being exhibits a sliver of aura from an Origin Goddess, leaving an unignorable impression on all mortal life/unlife.   Absolute Love – The mere presence of these beings absolve lesser souls of their hatreds and disputes, uniting them in the eternal webwork of love. The intensity of this is so great a single agapeon treading upon Veltrona would alter the world for generations to come.
Average Height
Average Weight


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