

Storgeists embody the nobility of parenthood and leadership, extolling the virtues of these ideas. They're suitably impressive beings, their mere presence inspirational and reverent to any mortal. There are few records of them ever appearing on Veltrona, and when they do, its usually in a passive capacity. Some great leaders of nations owe their tutelage to them, considering them pinnacles of statecraft and more. In other strokes, the presence of a storgeist stirred righteous rebellions, inspiring the oppressed.   While the other servants of It-That-Love-Us usually pertain to love in visceral senses, storgeists are abstracted. It could be said the love one feels toward ideas and ideals is their actual purview. They exude a calming presence, and likening them to a respected mistress isn't inappropriate. Their love, while less all-consuming for the body, can motivate the mind to last until the end of its time.   For the most part, they largely stay within the realms of their goddess and rarely venture out. However, different pathways through the universe converge upon them more often than not. That is, at a certain time and place, an auspicious encounter may unfold between a storgeist and some appropriate mortal. It is these encounters that almost everything relating to them is known.

Basic Information


While storgeists share similarities to their kin in having a stone-like physiology, they stand markedly closer to that idea. These beings are impressively high, towering over much of everything else in the natural world. Adorned in long, flowing robes, their bodies are built more akin to natural palaces than that of any living animal (or famicile thereof).   The most notable example on record could thus be described as the following:   The feet and legs were mountainous and chiseled, with many houses and temples adorning them. As one followed the roads upward, they vanished beneath the stony robe, only to arrive upon the vast expanse of their chest. There, an elaborate palace, complete with flowing waters and gardens, splendorously spread across.   Their four arms gripped their bodies, two holding their back, two holding their chest, carrying their own immense weight. These arms themselves glinted with gold, silver, opals, painite, red beryl, and so forth. Joining them were adornments in the most beautiful of artworks and jewelry the mind could conceive of. Feathers slope out of the arms, reminiscent of the harpies and nuhara in a sense.   The head, if such is what it was, hovered over the chest, where the neck and shoulder should've been. Two marble arches bent around a circular hole, trees growing alongside the pillars. In the middle, one distinctly had the impression of a gate, and despite the lack of any face, an intense, perceptive presence lingered behind it.   As with other servants of It-That-Loves-Us, crimson colored, worm-like connective tissues fuse the different limbs and parts together. For storgeists, the many different moving parts of their bodies expose more of this connective tissue than some others.

Biological Traits

Divine – This being exhibits a sliver of aura from an Origin Goddess, leaving an unignorable impression on all mortal life/unlife.   Obedient Reverence – Feelings of submissiveness and reverence, often to that of a parental figure or respected leader, radiate out of this being. Most are compelled, to some extent, to obey law and order, rules and design, but curiously not in a way that disables creativity.
Average Height
Average Weight


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