Kojahenkhet Outpost


While Atenkhet is not expanionist, foreign trade is one of the few activities it indulges in. To this end it has, over centuries, setup and torn down all sorts of outposts on the different continents it can reach. Kojahenkhet Outpost, or "land of the mighty jungle", is its foremost installation in Etzli Cuauhtla. While the deadly continent is lacking in a superpower of equivalent stature, it has no end of smaller settlements and groups willing to trade. The exotic goods and knowledge they've brought to the table has ever been incredibly lucrative. Not to mention the bounty of animals and otherwise untapped surface resources.   Kojahenkhet principally acts as a trading and expeditionary hub. With its heavily fortified entrenchment and adequate naval port, it has long endured both weather and beast battering upon its walls. Such an enduring legacy eventually garnered the attention of Toi'drinn, and the two have had an on-and-off relationship over the years. With no shortage of nearby Dresxi Enclaves either, one might argue there is a loose trade network between these bastions of civilization.   Overseen by an expeditionary commander, Kojahenkhet has the amenities of home (mostly) and their adaptations to foreign life. For one, most of the desert born hate the humidity something fierce. For another, a lot of the expensive infrastructure just isn't possible to maintain so far from Atenkhet. As such, their way of living can be quite rougher by comparison, making for a hardy environment. Most of those who come to the Outpost are hired mercenaries or military, plus whatever civil underlings they need to run smoothly. A small amount of governmental officials maintain the necessary oversight, but by far and large the trading companies are given control over the outpost.   The typical expeditions out of the outpost, as a result, are company-ran and operated. Ranging from hunting to mine-and-run excursions, it is some of the most dangerous work short of open warfare itself. In fact, a number of active duty soldiers are often cycled through the outpost in order to give them useful training. This way active blood is kept going, and the outpost maintains a strong lineage back to Atenkhet.   That being said, a number of native people have joined, assimilated, or otherwise been saved by Kojahenkhet and its garrison. Local talents and bloodlines have certainly added a flair to the outpost's microcosm of culture, a literal frontier of traditions. While not officially accepted as immigrants by default, they're regarded as a protectorate for the time being. Some do make the effort to immigrate, but most are simply glad to have somewhere safe (if, for a while). They'd rather work to make a safe place of their own in Etzli Cuahtla.   If such a thing is possible, no one running the outpost is certain. But, they get good results working with the locals, and so they abide the matter for now.
Outpost / Base
Location under
Owning Organization


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