Immaculate Ringed Staff


A religious staff, the shaft is made from smoothed beryllonite, while the head-piece is fashioned from a white-opal that is particularly opaque, but shimmering. The head is shaped in a hexagonal circle, with a center spine bisecting up and through the pointed top. A smaller, secondary circle adorns the spine, giving it a two-ringed appearance that is sometimes perceived as an eye. Four smooth, iron-rings hang from each side, and four smaller rings hang off each side of the smaller internal ring.   The ringed staff is an old feature in Nerzin's religious communities, serving many roles in service, protection, and ritual. Ever more befuddling, however, is its appearance in Sa-kemet, Temu, and Honokom; far, far different places across Veltrona. It nominally appears in the same roles the world over, although some lands are quick to abandon it for other tools instead.   An air of divinity surrounds this particular staff, though one that many priestesses struggle to identify. Its aura doesn't align with any icons of worship it is compared against. Furthermore, the sheer awesomeness of its dim presence is quite profound. It doesn't weigh upon the mind, but it is felt; it is not loud, yet it is heard. Merely being near it has inspired wonder and reverence, but it is not greedy, nor demanding. In the words of one befuddled and frustrated wokma mistress, "it simply is".   How can one be powerful, but not wield it?   What is it, to be grand yet humble?   In the way of things, why walk that path?   Questions unspoken, but thoughts stirred, so it is with this ringed staff. The simplicity of its own nature has proved as opaque as the darkness between stars. Countless priestesses have come and gone before it, meditating upon its meanings--or the ones their minds awoke toward. Thieves steal it; temples burn to the ground; calamities send it away, but it is always found again. Are people drawn toward it? Or does it come to them? No one knows, and the unknown can stir fear from anything, anywhere.   Yet, not an ounce of malevolence can be found.   And so, it simply is.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Simplicity is an endless joy; a laughing wonder.   All the secrets and busyness of the universe; the rules, the laws, the beings within them, bouncing and bouncing.   One believes they must have it all to understand.   But do you, really?
— The Voice of Immaculacy


Buried in the annals of history, the immaculate ringed staff may or may not be all that unique. Records of it show up all over the world, often at the same time in multiple places (or so historians might believe, tears in their eyes). In a round-about way, it might be considered the origin of the staff's adoption (or rejection) in various religions.
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