

A spirit often thought to be a servant of It-That-Loves-Us, but its existence is more a convergence on the same ideas rather than the work of that Goddess. Arete embody the need for social connection, the desire to be part of something or someone, and the purpose of self-fulfilment. They are created from these earnest desires and from the souls of those who would help others achieve their own greatness. All sorts can inspire the presence of an arete, with many mistakeningly considering them a romantic or love-centric spirit. While it does encompass those ideas, it also embodies non-romantic/sexual ones as well.   Often taking the form of a bird, the arete is a fleeting visitor to mortals. It captivates those who gaze upon it, drawing them into auspicious encounters. In these circumstances, new relationships can bloom, leading the people onto a path of cooperation or greatness. As no spirit can read into the future, these arrangements are considered strokes of luck more than anything. Two people who might've gotten on great may instead come to hate each other deeply. Or, simply leave and make nothing of the incident. The arete merely gives them the opportunity, it is up to the people to realize the potential.   An icon of hope, the arete embodies all sorts of ideals to people across Veltrona. In others is the self found; through each other one can reach greater heights, and so forth. For some this is love, others companionship, and more still a sense of place and purpose. The interconnectivity of people is at once a simple thing to behold and as vast as the oceans in complexity. On the wings of the arete do people dare believe in fortunate encounters, and in their own ability to be worthy of it.

Basic Information


Arete take on forms of birds considered auspicious, lucky, or fortune-bearing in their respective cultures. They can be distinguished by the halo-like glow around their heads, a bristling but comfortable radiance. This halo transforms in nature if they happen to be a divine servant of some goddess, but it is a ubiquitous feature.

Biological Traits

Inspirational Presence – Arete inspire people, and its auspicious encounters can bring one or more together into something magical. But as with all inspiration, it is fleeting, though its gentle presence will linger longer still on the minds of those graced by it.


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