

Zadi are benign spirits who take on a mild corporeal existence. They're formed through the prayers, well wishes, and hopeful dreams of people. In other cases, they are the immature souls of children and babies, blessed with youthful eyes that look upon life so beautifully.   If the lost lanterns lure people to horrible deaths, zadi try to give them helpful guidance. Failing that, they warn the living of danger, or if one is in the presence of liars and scoundrels. One could say they are an almost completely innocent being, having little concept of social complexity. They understand who is good or bad, and so do not show up for the latter at all. That being said, sometimes they can be found lounging around in areas of good fortune or favor, having fun playing as they pass the time.   They can be found all over Veltrona, and are worshipped in varying capacities. Generally perceived as a good omen, it can be said if a zadi is warning someone then it is the best advice they could ever get. Travelers and those in dangerous professions take their presence seriously, if they want to live for long. Tiny shrines are often made to give them a 'home' or place of rest, which people come to pay their respects to. These shrines eventually evolved into gathering points in their own right along Veltrona's many roadways.

Basic Information


Zadi can take on a number of forms, from simple objects to highly simplified versions of animals. Their bodies lack detail, and often glow in a warm light that washes out their figure. In other words, they appear like an unpainted doll, usually blue or gold in color. They distinctly always have the face of a person, though, and that is how they are identified reliably. It can get a little strange when a small lantern box laughs with a child's face on it.

Biological Traits

Limited Intelligence – As smart as children and nothing else, zadi can be clever but being incoherent in speech, it takes a keen mind to understand what they mean.   Judgemental – They take a harsh view of wrongdoers, playing pranks or alerting pursuers to where exactly the wrongdoer is.
Playfully Helpful


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