Tables of Relative Information

This area is largely to describe relative information, such as sizes, weight profiles, and the like. It is not an exhaustive nor absolute reference, but rather a beginning point to envision an idea.   All standards are drawn in comparison to the human-baseline, and thus may not be picture-perfect accurate. Also while I doubt I'll make use of the hard numbers as shown here, some people will care about that sort of thing.  

Cheat Sheet

Height Weight Power Healthiness
Tiny Feathery Peasant Wretched
Small Light Warrior Sickly
Medium Moderate Noble Healthy
Large Heavy Monstrous Athlete
Giant Enormous Draconic Exemplary
Titanic Massive Calamity Divine


  Height is overall an indication of the being at their normal resting, walking, and general operation range. They might be able to 'stand taller' in certain circumstances, but this should represent their average profile.  
Tiny <3ft <91cm
Small 3-5ft 91-152cm
Medium 5-6.5ft 152-198cm
Large 6.5-10ft 198-304cm
Giant 10ft-30ft 304-914cm
Titanic >30ft >914cm


  Weight represents both total body fat, musculature, and other body mass increasing things. As a whole, it does not indicate healthiness or anything of such a nature, only what you'd see on a scale (so a dragon, which is incredibly heavy if not enormous, would still be quite healthy as it's a normal weight).  
Feathery <25lb <11kg
Light 25-105lb 11-47kg
Moderate 105-190lb 47-86kg
Heavy 190-300lb 86-136kg
Enormous 300-1,200lb 136-544kg
Massive >1,200lb >544kg


  Power is an abstraction of the total destructive potential of an entity, as a martial warrior, mage, or other thing. This abstract is incredibly variable, as it does not accurately reflect things like martial ingenuity, clever thinking, or highly specialized power that has more downsides than strengths.    
Peasant The norm for most humans and other non-military trained people. They are generally not remarkable nor a significant threat unless massed into large numbers.
Warrior Adventurers, mercenaries, average military training, and anyone with more than a few years of real combat under their belt.
Noble Military elite, trained aristocracy, beings of multiple years of professional training, and ones with power that can easily affect groups of people targets.
Monstrous Freakishly strong, magically destructive, and beings who are beginning to enter the supernatural stage of power development. Many monster species fall under this classification in varying degrees, making it a diverse and somewhat inaccurate category.
Draconic So-called after the dragons, beings here can contend with small and medium armies entirely on their own. Towns, villages, and small cities fear them, as a draconic being can easily handle them and their inhabitants. Only the largest of armies or equally/more powerful entities give these ones pause.
Calamity A catchall phrase for anything that eclipses a draconic being in power. Those who fall in this category can easily wipe out any city, any land, and usher in destruction unimaginable. Imperious belonged to this category; a modern equivalent would be the usage of post-1990 nuclear weapons. Nearly all Exalted fall under this category at a minimum.
There are even more powerful beings in existence, but they become so uniquely defining no broad-scale classification exists. The likes of worldy goddesses usually end up there, for example.    


  Healthiness is an abstraction of the overall physical fitness, attractiveness, and well-being of something. It has no baring on weight at all, though in an abstract sense, the accolation of body fat, the visibility of muscles, and the like are important indicators of healthiness.
Wretched A person in such a poor state of health that, if they are somehow still surviving, they are undoubtedly not-ideal, prone to disease/disease ridden, and suffering a terrible quality of life.
Sickly A reduced state of health, usually the result of poverty, sickness, or other forms of inconvenience to healthy living. They may be less weight, less lustrous, and otherwise just not doing great.
Healthy Well-fed, possessed of good body proportions, and generally all around optimal without being grandiose.
Athlete Superior in healthy and physical fitness, the sort of person you'd expect to be a regular warrior, fighter, or other high performing profession.
Exemplary Unbelievably in good condition, perhaps due to magical augmentation or monstrous-characteristics. The cream of the crop, there is nothing better in the mortal form than this.
Divine A person so healthy it defies description or belief, truly a world apart from everyone else. They look so good it'd only be possible in photoshop to emulate.


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