Revenant (rev-en-int)

Basic Information


As an undead, the revenant is wholly dependent on its host species for physical appearance.   Unique to them is the other worldly glow of their eyes and internals–such as the mouth, and other places. Seemingly possessed, this light can be bewitchingly beautiful or distressingly unnerving, depending on the observer. The actual color of the light varies, though blue and gold are reported the most.

Biological Traits

One Purpose, One Mission – Revenants are defined by the sole reason of their return to unlife. Should this mission of theirs ever achieve completion (or failure, such as a person dying), they will immediately disintegrate and pass on, their souls finally at rest.   Supernatural Durability – They are profoundly difficult to damage, dismember, or kill. A revenant can lose entire portions of its body, and despite such disabilities, remain entirely functional with what is left.   Life Sense – The living cannot hide from them, if they are within range.     As undead, they'll inherit whatever was their host species' in terms of traits.

Civilization and Culture

Relationship Ideals

Beware those who embark on this road, for at the end always remains tragedy.   Or so it usually is.   As (mostly) functional people, revenants are entirely able to engage in romance, as inclined by their personalities and/or species habits. However, as they are defined by their one mission, any romance that wishes to exist will always be drawn in measure to that mission. And, despite any wishful tales or stories, revenants will abandon their romances without hesitation if it proves to be in the way of their mission. To do otherwise would be to undermine their very existence, and if they break it, it is equivalent to suicide.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Revenants are queer even among the undead, and exhibit unusual mannerisms. While most intelligent undead carry on parts of their past lives, the revenants tend to lose much of theirs. Only the most polarizing and defining of traits remains, and in some cases, making the revenant into an entirely new person when it resurrects.   Despite being undead, they are unusually unaffected by their condition, even ignorant of it in some cases. This can make a revenant surprisingly normal to most other people if it's new personality isn't too eccentric or unstable.   They can become very fixed in their thinking and ways, especially as it relates to their one purpose. This can appear as insurmountable stubbornness to most people. The truth of the matter is they have a physical inability to change such thinking, to the point it doesn't even exist as a possibility in their minds 'to change'.


Revenants have a long and storied history in legends and fairy tales, appearing under a number of names such as dullahans, headless knights, tomb guardians, death reapers, Yotol's emissaries, and so forth. A regular detail among these legends is the stringent pursuit of something, be it vengeance, reclaiming honor, or fulfilling one last duty. Whether abhorred or admired, revenants are at their heart, undead, and all are made uneasy in their passing.   It isn't clear how, why, or where a revenant will form–even the most powerful of personalities often fall silent in death. In the same stroke, mere peasant farmers have been documented as to coming back to life. Regardless, the returned revenants are often powerful beyond compare to their previous way of living. Depending on their purpose, this can be a boon or a calamity in the making.
Earth Origin


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