Origin of Life on Veltrona

From the unfathomable everything flows nothing; from nothing, all is unfathomable, flowing into itself. Thus, so too were the things called 'Goddesses' conceived of, the children of the unfathomable; or perhaps the parents?   It is from fathom does mana flow, and all drink of it.   It is from love that life flows, and all nurture it.   It is from death that all are made whole, and so all dream of it.   It is from hate that evil springs, eternal and ever seeking defeat.   It is from virtue that goodness arises, always hated but always wanted.   It is from the numerous others that the webwork of all is woven, and thus their names are uncountable.   In the First Dawns of the world, great and mighty beings roamed the lands, seas, and skies. They would be called 'dragons', and all the worlds was their dominion, each of them a rival unto the other.   At the Second Dawns of the world, they arose from the sun-kissed plains and veiled forests, spreading across all lands. They would be called 'humans', and they would dream of a world beyond nature.   With the Third Dawns, the many others arose, different in forms and body, but envious of the First and Second. They would plea and beg powers too great to hear them, desiring a closeness they could never attain themselves.   And so, attention was given, a thing without a name but its intent clear beyond words. It-That-Loves-Us listened, saw, and deigned to give a gift to all: love.   Bestial forms warped and changed, turning to that of something between. Some called them ‘monsters’, others gifted, blessed, or cursed; even more names, too numerous for history to remember. Dragons and humans, swept up in the change, found themselves in a new world, all made closer in ways none had imagined.   The two things of nature, who never called themselves name, but were always known, despised and hated this.   The Great Elk, vicious in maw and strength, raged through the forests. Her companion and eternal enemy, the Eyeless Wolf, stalked afterward, killing without pity or a thought of compassion. With them, the hordes came, and terrible wars raged across the lands. All were made to fight, burning together in a crucible of slaughter.   Fight all did, resorting to ever more dark and heinous methods. That which bestowed love saw things most reprehensible and vile: the abuse of its gift. With furious anger, it struck all down, mortal and immortal, stripping the power of love it had given them to a frail, flimsy thing. Such was the rage even the two Goddesses of the Wilds shrank back, shackled into a corner without edges.   Normally aloof and uninterested, even the Fathom, the fount of all mana, couldn’t stand by. It gave to the broken younglings the secret of mana and magic, forever opening its fissures and vents for them to drink from. Wise to the evils that lurked within their hearts, its gift bore a doubled edged blade—power grants strength, but power will become as they are. The more vile and destructive these gifted ones became, the more horrid they in turn transform into.   Thus, as evil beget evil and turned such into their true forms, they were cast out of the realms of all sane and sensible beings. These forsaken would find themselves only in the company of the outcast, doomed forever. In their wake followed all other unloved and unwanted things, and so all simply became known for what they are: Forsaken    At seeing this, It-That-Loves-Us reconciled its grief, and sought counsel with the Fathom. In turn, It-That-Loves-Us came and bestowed love upon all once again, but now, like magic, with a warning: “Those who desire love, must earn the love of the other, first, through virtue and harmony”.   And so, the world calmed, the Goddesses of the Wilds stewed in dark anger. Caged as they were, their whispers bled into the world, and all nature conspired to listen. From the nameless and dark places unseen by the sapient touched, abominations stalked forth, driven to kill. They are tireless and without pity, utterly Relentless .   And now, all watch the world, wondrous of where it will go next.


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