Line, Sage of Writings


A figure that stalks in the annals of the deepest histories, Line has been found again and again from the oldest cave-paintings, to as far as a mere century ago. In all accounts, she is heralded as a teacher, sage, or scholar, come to share knowledge and to learn of what others have to pass on. Quite a number of civilizations give credibility to her sharing revolutionary ideas, such as crop rotation, basic medicinal treatments, and the like. As time passes, the legends around Line transform, for one reason or another, with new deities and figures coming to stand in for her.   It isn't known where she came from, but as with much relating to the petrakin, such a mystery isn't unexpected. Those who have aspired to keep true to her thus bestow the title, 'Sage of Writings', and owe all written word and thoughts to her contributions. The petrakin species as a whole regard her as a parental figure that is a guide post in the great unknown of life. It is said being in her presence is like standing in the shadow of a mountain, and the beautiful inscriptions on her body are like a living sunset.   Ever more curiously, however, is a consistent thread a number of historians have pieced together. History, they attest, has beguiled many for its loving recounting of Line. It would seem that in more recent times, where record keeping has survived all the better, the mysterious Sage of Writings has a different purpose.   Though she gifts the many with wondrous things, she gives to a few dire knowledge and oppressive purpose. Though no coherent relation has been found, it is seen that many of these blessed few become terribly burdened by her visits. Whether sooner or later, Line visits again, extracting from them something desirable–or not.  
"... It is hard to be certain, but the evidence is nonetheless there. This mysterious sage is, by all appearances, looking for something very particular."   "Looking?"   "You suggest otherwise?"   "I do. Consider how she gives gifts that promote growth, be it of the soul or the society."   A brow furrowed, their eyes deep in thought. "You suggest she is trying to create something?"   "Or have others do so in her stead. Do not mistake me; many have benefited from her gifts. But, I more than anyone, know how easy it is to hide behind the boon of gifts."   "You would think she'd be, mmm, more concentrated in her efforts if that was the case."   "Or the task is too great to force so simply."   "Not everyone is like you, you know."   "Am I wrong? ... No?"   –A notable argument between two dragon academics at the decadal archaeology gathering. The findings were later entered into official record, but it remains a divisive point.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Her gray/white granite body is unmarred by the ravages of time, drawing the eye to the fanciful, colored writings etched across her skin–from her very face, down to her toes and tip of her tail. This calligraphy is formed with a shimmering, oily ink, normally black, but able to change into colored hues at a whim. When static, it might be seen as a tattoo, but Line can rearrange the ink on her body however she pleases. In mere moments an entirely new paradigm may appear, revealing truths and history of a much different nature.

Body Features

Possessed of beauty and wholesome maturity, Line is a beyond-ideal representative of a Greater Petrakin. Indeed, to the human eye her long limbs and eerie walking gait can distort her appearance into something surreal, if not outright disturbing. This is all the more obvious when she comes to stand still or rest, the uniform and inanimate nature of her body all but becoming a statue in an instant. To then see her move is quite alarming to many.

Facial Features

One might call her face 'young looking' or 'youthful', but this is only ever present in a few moments. Line's shining yellow eyes and wide, child-like smile that might be at home on a smaller petrakin, becomes viscerally uncanny upon her much larger body. Playfully braided and looped hair offsets any serious framing, offering more youthful energy to a face that seems at odds with it.

Special abilities

Exalted – Line is a true Exalted.   Ink Magic – An intensely specific and specialized type of water magic that manipulates ink. While Line principally uses this to write on her own body, it can form a kind of weapon similar to normal water magic.   Eidetic Memory – Line does not forget anything, making her mind a veritable archive of eons in itself.   True Telepathy – She can read and communicate in the minds of other sapient beings.

Apparel & Accessories

Only the loosest of cloth wrappings and cords adorn her body, specifically to help carry packs, pouches, and other necessities for moving about the land. For many, her near-naked state of dress is obscene and scandalous, but it is not a thought that exists in the mind of the petrakin. It is best for such venerable writings to be seen by all, such an intrigued mind mine come to learn, and perhaps Line may learn of something new to write about.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





"From them I am given meaning; from me, you are given choice. Knowledge is knowing you have no choice. Wisdom is understanding why."

Intellectual Characteristics

Intensely curious of the world, both in a physical and spiritual sense, Line is dedicated to the contemplation of all things. Whether it is in the sands of Sa-kemet, or the most desolate peaks of Nerzin, she has been there, and she has considered all before her. Others can thusly find her presence to feel foreboding and distant, yet as inviting as a spring. Some come to fear the fathomless depths of her mind, while others simply wish to learn. With a patience cultivated over a lifetime longer than most nations, anger–as an idea–is not something roused within her. Line does not see the world in black-or-white, instead, ever evaluating it in shades of relative grays.   She is not wholly divorced from the ways of the world, however. Line makes it her mission to, after successful studies and recordings, spread her knowledge. Her fellow petrakin have the easiest time in receiving this, but she has long learned how to communicate with the other species as well. Scholars welcome her ancient knowledge, but the ruling powers fear being undermined by truths revealing their lies.

Morality & Philosophy

"It is imperative that they learn; the Directive indicates it is necessary. But, will they survive long enough?"

Personality Characteristics


"Information is the seed of people. Knowledge, the tree. Memories, the fruit. So it is the trees of people flourish greatly when information survives."
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Dubbed so by the lesser petrakin people, it is from them the title is also often told to the other species. While Line is not given the same reverence among them, no one is quite ready to understate her significance, either.
Luminent Yellow Andraite
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Gray/white, granite skin


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