

An insect often very indicative of high levels of mana in the environment. Lantern-wings earned their name from their crystalline, luminous wings that light up brightly during the night. As they flicker and fly about, bobbing and weaving in their esoteric patterns, they look very much like lanterns to people. Ecologists believe the intent behind it is to communicate to other lantern-wings, though, which results in vast swarms over a rather large area.   They are sometimes confused for lost lanterns, a sinister form of undead that performs a very similar optical attraction. The undead actually earned its name through the fact it looks like the lantern-wings 'got lost' somewhere away from their normal swarms.

Basic Information


Small insects capable of fitting in a child's palm, their wings vibrantly emit light at varying intensities. It has a small, six-eyed head, and a long, cylinder-like body with six wings, and four legs. Different species can exhibit different colors, such as blue, red, green, white, yellow, and so on. Tiny stripes cross over the exoskeleton, further denoting their respective race in a colorful, if hard to see manner.

Biological Traits

Magical Light – Lantern-wings emit considerable light for their small size; and a small group can appear quite like a lantern in the distance.

Genetics and Reproduction

Males and females copulate around the year, with viable egg colonies growing into new lantern-wings within a few weeks.

Growth Rate & Stages

They grow quickly and live relatively short lives--adults lasting around two or three years at most.

Ecology and Habitats

They're spread across the world, and found in a variety of climates both extreme and mundane. Their respective subraces can be surprisingly resilient, but they're still only tiny insects in the end.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Herbivore, and an incidental pollinator.

Biological Cycle

Some variants of lantern-wings exhibit migratory behaviors, moving between hot and cold regions as they need. Most tend to be happy in their given climates, and do not really move out even when confronted with hostile weather. Why they'd pursue such obviously suicidal behavior is unclear, but lantern-wings invariably return once things clear up.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Their greatest usage in history has been as an improvised lighting source. By creating small glass enclosures, clusters of lantern-wings can be bred and cared for in seclusion. In turn, their wings provide enough light to at least guide the way, if not illuminate part of a road or walkway. Indoor houses, especially, are useful to carry these glass fixtures around, sufficing for light in the dark of night. While the usage has fallen out of favor in most civilizations, some exotic breeders have created strains that can respond to magical instruction, offering a curious usage for them.
Average Height
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