

A messenger god of Uatkara, the masculine and beautiful Hasn holds domain over routes, traveling, messages and letters, and exploration. He is a spry nebusah adorned in simple robes that any other traveler would die wearing, making him quite distinct if found out in the deserts of Sa-kemet. His billowing cape can enlarge and, combined with his sloping sandals, allow him to sand-sail through Sa-kemet. Letting the winds take him wherever he is needed, he ever finds his destination somehow, throwing off all sorts of pursuers in the process. Kalarahdar especially hates him as Hasn has long teased the mighty serpent, sailing in and out of desert storms, evading his jaws and diverting him off-course. He is sometimes associated with clear weather and good fortunes as a result.   Unlike many other traveler gods found elsewhere, Hasn has long held a minor role in Uatkara. The static nature of Atenkhet and its highly controlled growth has meant much of its territory is 'well-understood'. As such, Hasn has languished as a routine patrol boy along known roads, rather than the wild seeking, path-defining life he has longed to have. In this respect he is actually far more important to the migrating Sa-kemet Tribes, who pay him far more serious reverence. Between the two, he is kept on his toes well enough to never really be discontent anymore.   His freedom loving heart, however, has ever been captivated by Seralkono, something of an unwanted guest goddess within Uatkara. The wind goddess blows across Veltrona as she pleases, and often far too fast for anyone to catch. Hasn, beholding her fearsome but captivating looks, has tried and tried to catch her eye when she passes through Sa-kemet. More than once he's managed to catch onto a tailwind and follow, showing up on Seralkono's island paradise in the skies. Being a poor god and lacking in anything that makes her take note, however, Hasn ends up blown off and sent back to the deserts below.   Thus does he work harder, urging explorers on to find secret treasures and grand finds that might, in turn, enrich him. There are those who try to turn him from this path, with Isara and Nekhuhahim both rather dismayed at his overly ambitious goals. Seralkono, foreign goddess as she is, remains implacable to matters of the heart, so they say. Still, Hasn chases after the wind, hoping to earn its favor somehow. It is said to write letters and let the wind carry them is, in a way, to help Hasn, for he delivers the nicest ones to Seralkono when next they meet. Understandably this has also made him a god of hopeless romances and those of that cloth pray to him.
Divine Classification


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