Guardian of the Black Pyramid


In the age of experimentation that was Atenkhet's early golem creations, a series of enormous, semi-autonomous weapon platforms called the Great Guardians were made. These titanic walkers, stylized after humanoid, insectoid, and animalistic themes, represented pinnacles of craftswomanship, engineering, and magical mistressly of their respective eras. None, however, are as famous or well-known as the Guardian assigned to protect the Black Pyramid .   Framed after the scuttling scorpions of the sands, the vague face of a mertakan avatar sits at the front, between two enormous pincers. The black stone that constitutes its body is framed by the resplendent sun-gold woven through it, enshrined by plates and plates of mana-steel armor. An enormous, white-sand crystalline tail hangs over it, a beautifully refractive thing shining light and rainbows when in the sun. Various hieroglyphic writings and religious icons adorn it, from bells to ankhs and more. Combined with its titanic size easily dwarfing most buildings, it is an awe-inspiring sight to behold.   Built at the command of a pharaoh, the Guardian of the Black Pyramid exists to protect the very heart of Atenkhet since ages long past. It has rarely seen direct battle, as often its overwhelming presence is simply not needed. Indeed, it could be said its existence alone is enough to deter anyone from attacking Atenkhet--or at least, the capital it resides in. More often than not, it sits at the primary entrance of the Black Pyramid, nesting and watching everyone who comes and leaves.   A dedicated core of the greatest engineers and mana-smiths are assigned its caretaking, insuring it is always up-to-standard and ready. Some can say its always equipped with cutting-edge weaponry, armor, and arcane secrets, but it is hard to say how much of that is truth. The propaganda floating around the Black Pyramid's Guardian is intense and opaque, further cementing the mystical atmosphere around it.

Power Generation

An exotic crystalline heart powers the entire construct, storing the enormous amounts of mana it requires. Its actual power generation comes from sunlight itself--as long as the Guardian is able to bask in the sun for a few days, it will recharge enough for viable combat needs. Coincidentally, moving during day-time hours means as long as there's sunlight it won't actually fear running out of power.


Six huge legs guide and angle the body, counter-balanced by the tail at the rear and the claws at the front.

Weapons & Armament

The two front claws are sturdy, reinforced things capable of melee combat with equivalent-sized targets. Given how rare those actually are, they tend to become moving walls of stone-and-metal, sweeping the ground in front of them with an unrelenting devastation. Its sheer size cannot be understated--virtually no infantry can withstand a direct blow or being stepped on by the Guardian. Even a dragon, durable as it is, could have its organs pulverized by a solid blow.   The crystalline tail of the Guardian has a multi-role function as its ranged weapon. The tail can create high-intensity mana blasts, lobbing them like a recoilless battleship cannon, or incinerating death rays. Its articulation and range of motion give it tremendous flexibility, more than most people might actually expect.

Armor and defense

Forged with the best mana-steel Atenkhet can acquire, and the most solid of black stone, the Guardian is truly formidable. Virtually impervious to all conventional small-arms and a great deal of mounted weapons, it takes very special dedicated weapons to harm it. In the event infantry or small targets try to board it directly, a seismic-shock device blasts them off its body.

Additional & auxiliary systems

A small personnel carrier pod sits on the topside of the Guardian, not unlike a saddle. The pod houses amenities for the pharaoh herself and her closest guards to travel in comfort, in the times she needs such extreme equipment to move.
Pharaoh's Chariot
Owning Organization


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