Global Lexicon & Spellbook



A global, non-language specific lexicon for words and terms found across Veltrona.   Due to technical limitations, article interlinking is not possible. The article tables may also behave inappropriately and scale strangely; these issues are known, but development fixes is currently unknown.

Quick Navigation: A-B C-D E-F G-H I-J K-L M-N O-P Q-R S-T U-V W-X Y-Z Generic


Lexicon A-B


Lexicon C-D

Call the CattleSpellA vampiric spell meant to instill compulsive obedience into weaker beings, particularly the undead. While true hypnosis and mind control is the stuff of imagination, compulsion is a more readily realized method. It is functionally equivalent to a kind of shouting that bludgeons its targets into submission, hence it's only ideal against exceptionally weak or easily influenced victims. It could be considered a deviant cousin of the 'shouting' magical art family.
DouyonWordA shared word among many Nerzin cultures, it defines 'singularity' and 'infinity' into one idea. These concepts also intertwine with notions of immortality and transcendence, making douyon contextually complex and interdependent. While largely only found in scholarly or philosophical texts, Velandra's usage of douyon has brought it into more common vernacular in recent times.

Lexicon E-F

ExaltedConceptExalted are divine beings who receive their power on behalf of an even greater divine existence. In exchange for willing servitude, they can become massively more powerful almost immediately compared to many others. However, quitting this relationship also means all their power and more is taken back, making it a precarious arrangement sometimes.

Lexicon G-H

Heart Piercing WindsSpellAn advanced form of wind magic, designed to create piercing columns of narrow, lethal wind. Such concentrated forms of wind is tremendously difficult to do, and often lacking in killing power at long range. This spell reverses that idea, and combined with its mostly invisible nature, makes it ideal for assassinations or surprise attacks. Its victims, if not torn apart by the blade-like wind, may take enough blunt trauma to bruise or shatter their organs.

Lexicon I-J

IlluminateSpellA light-creating spell that coats an object of small size. The intensity of the heatless light affects how much mana is drained to maintain the spell; brighter light means heavier costs. While it is a simple spell, its costliness makes it prohibitive for long-term usage. Other spells, or items like torches or manarium-powered lamps, remain in common usage as a result. However, its 'hands free' nature makes it supremely useful in low-light environments during combat.
Jointed HumanoidWordA general phrase for specific monsterkind species where they have two bodies 'fused together'. The nuhara, for example, have upper bodies resembling humanoid people, and lower bodies resembling that of snakes.

Lexicon K-L


Lexicon M-N

MachkinWordA baarham word that translates into 'the remade self with metal'; more ambiguously, 'metal kindred'. Baarham regard their creations as extensions of themselves, not unlike how a family is tied together by blood. Technology, as a result, is intimately tied with their creators and their lineages, and so all baarham works are honorably referred to as kindred.

Lexicon O-P


Lexicon Q-R


Lexicon S-T

Sanctum of SacrificeSpellA vampire-derived form of magic, built on the principles of wind and water magic. It creates a large, insular bubble atmosphere around the point of origin, and fills it with destructive energy. The sanctum kills all non-vampire life via exsanguination, and those too weak to resist are reduced to dust. The blood floats in the air, becoming meals for the vampires. While ordinarily such magic is extremely expensive in its mana costs, it can also run off the blood of its victims, becoming nearly self-sustaining.
Scale-skinWordA general description for those who have human-like skin, and reptilian or fish-like scales apart of it. The exact nature of how the two intertwine and work depends on the species.

Lexicon U-V

UldWordA draconic root word, related to 'time', 'passage', and connotations of 'decay' and 'rebirth'. It is also a title of venerable respect, given to the first dragons who lived upon Veltrona. The Uld Dragons, belied by the simplicity of such a name, are said to be primordial and from beyond all recollections of time or history. They're also called the first progenitors, the mothers to which all dragon lineages can be traced back to. Few among their ranks remain, but they yet remain upon Veltrona all the same.
UnyieldingSpellA type of physical magic that reinforces the body using available mana. While it is an easy magic to learn, its effectiveness requires regular practice and use to truly push it to incredible heights. Its mana consumption is inversely proportional to its efficacy; in other words, more experienced users can use more powerful Unyielding for longer and easier. It is considered one of the core foundational spells of physical magic schools, and exists across Veltrona.
Vae DariiSpellA form of simple wind magic found in Aerthen. It's purpose is to create an air burst in front of the caster, which can repel attackers and push the caster backwards, creating a lot of distance quickly. Inventive users may also use it to cushion their falls from extreme heights. It was designed to be an easy magic to learn, even for those not versed in wind magic arts.

Lexicon W-X

Wind Rending FleshSpellA variable form of wind magic that forms the foundation of many different wind-based combat styles. It augments weapons with the power of wind, creating a magical slashing force that tears apart its victims. Depending on the wielder, this can be changed in different ways, such as enhancing the cutting edge of a blade, a secondary area-of-effect damage source, a deflection shield, etc.

Lexicon Y-Z

YoniWordLiterally, 'moving ball', yoni is a sort of derived word created by children who grew up in, or around, Yonfao philosophy. As balls are similar to the symbolism of Yon, children called them 'yoni', and in their minds it was the 'true form' of Yon. The childlike wonder of such a simplistic view has been a curious point of study for philosophers over the millennia.
ZahdWordA baarham root word, typically meaning something like "from, of, has lineage to, is responsible for, owner thereof". As responsibilities are important in many baarham cultures, their noble families took on the idea of responsibility for their family name and areas of expertise. E.g, "Khaaestra zahd Machkin" denotes that Khaaestra is from the family of Machkin, but also is responsible for what 'machkin' entails.
ZahmWordA draconic root word, typically concerned with death, dying, or things that have died. While it can work on its own, it's usually a modifier; e.g, "Zahmal" or 'Dead Land' in a literal translation; "Zahmitar" or 'Death Itself' in a literal translation.

Lexicon Generic

A catch-all container for things that do not fit under alphabetical categorization.



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