

With enough flesh and mana, returned can mutate into a fearsome ghoul. Sharp teeth, claws, and whatever appendages it fashions into itself, the ghoul is a world apart from a mere returned. It hunts, stalks, and to some extent, learns, always moving from kill-to-kill to eat more and more. Faster, stronger, and tougher, they're better known as leaping and running horrors than shambling fools.   They can also form packs with other ghouls, and sometimes nest amongst returned herds. Exceptionally gifted ghouls may even wield some basic forms of magic enhancement, adapting it to serve their brutally physical habits in melee. On occasion, a particular ghoul may become better than its peers, serving as a kind of pack leader they rally around. Unlike the living, morale shock doesn't affect them if this leader gets killed.   At this stage, with enough additional feeding and time to gestate, ghouls can mutate into the final returned form: raveners‌.

Basic Information


In the case of a returned feeding enough, it will metamorph into a ghoul–an enhanced, faster, deadlier undead.   Ghouls are typified as 'living' undead, possessed of regenerating flesh, acute eyes, and bony growths protruding through their skin. They almost always have enhanced teeth and claws, growing to horrible size and shapes to better rend and eat the living with. When compared to its prior state as a returned, it is quite clear the ghoul is not only active and alert, but is cohesive and behaves like a proper, if albeit animalistic, predator.

Biological Traits

Without Pain – They have no concept of pain, and normally debilitating attacks or wounds simply do not faze them in the slightest.   Undead Endurance – Driven by their metabolized mana, they can keep going for absurd amounts of time. In fact, the only time they stop is when they've lost all their mana, or lost track of their prey.   Life Sense – They can sense the presence of the living in a supernatural manner. This means despite loss of critical sensory organs, like eyes or ears, they can still track their targets with disturbing precision.   Rending Talons – Their hands, feet, teeth, tails; whatever, are enhanced with bone growths, acting like natural grown bladed weapons.   Gruesome Adapter – Ghouls tear the limbs and body parts of their prey off and 'attach' them to their own body, if they like it enough. These limbs and parts can start to grow into, and become properly apart of the ghoul's body.

Dietary Needs and Habits



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