Fetid Ones


Victims of plague and disease, in a cruel and ironic twist, may find themselves returning in unlife thanks to that same sickness. Fetid Ones are a type of returned who have an extremely short (un)life span, but an unspeakably deadly purpose. Their fleshy bodies bulge with the same rot that stole their life away, and filled with blistering resentment at being left to die, seek out the living who threw them out. They wish only to share the same horrible fate they suffered and so spare no attention to eating or sustaining themselves.   Their mere presence is enough to bolster a plague, but a proper Fetid One can fill up with pus, mucus, and virulent gases. In such a state, they're prone to rupturing and violently ejecting their deadly payload anywhere they can. This kills them, but its hateful mission is already done at that point. While the explosion itself is unremarkable, the area they can cover in their vile spray is impressive.   Raveners, if they're present, make a point of throwing Fetid Ones not unlike grenades.

Basic Information


A special breed of returned, Fetid Ones form from the remains of plague and disease victims. As such, they're dependent on their host species for their looks, but unlike returned, they bloat and warp grotesquely. Fetid ones bulge in unnatural ways, filling with pus, bile, and diseased fluids, almost always of the kind that killed them.

Biological Traits

Suicide Attacker – Fetid Ones have no concept of self-preservation, for their only concern is to find the living and spread the plague that killed them. For those too weak to kill them, they resemble returned for the most part in attack manner.   Violent Exploder – If a Fetid One suffers too much damage, or believes it's in an optimal place, it will initiate a chain reaction within itself. The end result is a violent, suicidal explosion that scatters gore, viscera, and diseased matter in a shockingly large radius. This in turn helps to spread their disease even further, even if the explosion itself does little direct damage.

Dietary Needs and Habits



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