

A spirit that hunts the Forsaken wherever they manifest. Avengarde are formed through pious worship of guardians, the fervent righteousness to strike down evil, and those with deep regret at failing to absolve the wronged dead. They are reasonably rare types of spirits, as they have trouble cohesively forming. The times they do, they immediately seek out the Forsaken to execute justice, and often are destroyed in combat. Those that linger on come to rest in solemn places, waiting until they're needed again.   The Forsaken can take on many forms, though the undead are the most common. As a result, avengarde are usually associated with places of burial, and normally take on forms of death. They're also often associated with burial protection from banditry, thieves, and evil necromancy. However, they can be found elsewhere as wards against wrongdoing, though that is a rarer idea. Most people consider the Forsaken undead as the biggest problem. The avengarde simply go where the Forsaken can be found, or wait where they may return to.   Often considered a servant of divinity, avengarde are revered for their seemingly just existence. As they only bother with the most heinous of evils, if one is active then everyone will know something terrible has happened. Most righteous warriors take this as a sign to follow the avengarde, and seek justice upon the one(s) it attacks. It is thanks to this awkward cooperation that many dens of Forsaken and other evildoers are found. When the spirits themselves hunt for you, hiding from them is no simple feat at all. As some take on guardianship of some places, they can become like gatekeepers, and deny those they deem unworthy of entering. Since they mean no harm to the innocent, this can be troublesome for them since there is only so much they can do.

Basic Information


Avengarde possess objects of ability, such as statues, for their corporeal body. By animating it, they then acquire weapons or other items needed for combat as their sensibilities dictate. Thus people, who have the time and resources to do so, fashioned statues of mighty warriors and others for the avengarde. These symbols of protection quite easily come alive when the avengarde appear, and it is considered good fortune to have one watch over a burial site. An avengarde's power is often limited by the form it possesses, so better statues lends to a better fighting avengarde.

Biological Traits

Avenging Righteousness – Avengarde seek out the Forsaken, righting the wrongs of their wretched existences. Uncaring of social contrivances or politics, unblemished by mortal concerns, they are an exacting blade wherever they go.   Rudimentary Magic – Regardless of the body they possess, avengarde can use rudimentary forms of magic for basic attacks, protection, and the like. As far as combat-worthy spirits go, they are frighteningly capable.
Righteous Avenger


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