Aroakhan, Slayer of Leviathans


As with so many in Ebalatan's‌ deeps, Aroakahn followed his parents' legacy of being hunters for the village. More than many of his peers, however, he dedicated himself to the craft in the extreme, going above and beyond. He would, with increasingly regularity, venture out for days and weeks at a time. During these trips, he catalogued every animal he came across, noting its habits and locations especially. Such was his proficiency that even veteran hunters came to him, asking for guidance on where to hunt or what to avoid.   With age came experience and power, and Aroakahn grew unsatisfied hunting the 'normal' predators that plagued his people. His attention went to ever darker and colder waters, where the mightiest of beasts lurked. Against the wishes of many, one day he set out, determined to conquer the largest thing he could find. Thus, in the far northern waters, Aroakahn experienced isolation in only the way the sea could bring. With few safe food sources, he fought, and struggled, day after day, even long after sunlight vanished from overhead.   Wounded, but undaunted, he pressed on, and found himself worthy prey. A creature he knew no name for swam in the depths, seemingly that of a shark crossed with a squid. Its tendrils swept through the dark, hungrily snatching up anything in reach. And so, Aroakahn fought with the monstrosity, day-in-day-out, measured only by the times he took to retreat and sleep. His victory was hard earned, and he ultimately could only escape with a few pieces as proof of his victory.   No one believed him, despite his prizes. Suffering great offense at being called a liar, he convinced a group of elder hunters to accompany him–observers, nothing more. And so, they bore witness to his tenacious methods of survival, his excellent hunting form, and singlehandedly felling another titanic leviathan of the deep. Struck stupid by the mere sight of it, they couldn't help praising him ceaselessly when they all returned home again, and thus Aroakahn's fame exploded across Ebalatan.   Each year since, Aroakahn brought groups of elder hunters with him. His glory seeking always arranged it as just him versus the leviathan, and upon victory, the elders would scavenge the massive corpse. Indeed, these yearly harvest runs have become so popular it is something of an expected tradition. For Aroakahn, the height of his skill could only be found in such impossible fights, and he racked up dozens of leviathans to his name.   With age came a loss in the adrenaline-filled thrills, despite still being in the prime of his life. Aroakahn, unable to find more powerful prey within reach, has been forced to find other ways of keeping himself busy. He's taken up to learning writing, and inscribing his tomes worth of knowledge onto kelp-paper. The ways of teaching, however, sit oddly with him, and so he leaves it to others to fill in for him.   Aroakahn is ceaselessly restless, wishing to prove his skill further, to surmount a challenge no other could possibly do. Yet, all that remains are the darkest depths, cliff-faces into oblivion no one has readily returned from again. His challenge may await down there, or certain doom, and he stares long into the abyss, musing over the possibilities.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Adorned with jaggedly angled fins, a sleek body, and his muscles taut and imposingly self-evident, Aroakahn is an exemplary male shermadi of the deeper waters. His teal skin stands out sharply against his shimmering scales, accenting him with an alien beauty even to other shermadi.

Body Features

Rippling muscles and a sleek build emphasizing speed combine together into one handsomely captivating package. A number of scars dot his frame from head-to-tail tip, some small, others larger; a few distinctly that of bite marks. Aroakhan has all the hallmarks of a lifelong hunter whose very successful at what he does.

Facial Features

His angular face is beset by the roundness it tries to obtain. Hence, from the direct front, he can appear rather plump or pleasant; from the sides, the sharply rounded edges become that more apparent. Aroakhan's face is often tightened while he's on the move, making him seem constantly pissed off, but that's just how he is when he's concentrating.

Identifying Characteristics

His size and disposition standalone compared to many others. Although all hunters are quite reasonable in their build, none are to the exemplary extent that Aroakhan is. Such could only be necessary for him to kill such titanic creatures. His coloration can stand out to other shermadi and those familiar with them; the ignorant might not consider it anything special.

Special abilities

Enhanced Intuition – Aroakahn is unusually good at figuring out things intuitively.   Danger Sense – A lifetime of hunting in deadly seas has honed his sense of danger to supernatural levels. Even when totally blind in the darkness, he can detect killing intent all around him.

Apparel & Accessories

His civilian attire is a simpler set of multi-layer woven kelp, the outside of which is adorned in a number of stitched-together fish hides. Their resplendent scales accentuate his own, giving him a profoundly colorful and reflective appearance.   When he is hunting, Aroakhan adopts a set of sea-stone armor. A helm protects his head, while a torso-section of armor and a another section covers his lower half. Where his 'hips' and the joint of his tail are, there are woven kelp fabrics to protect their flexibility. Carefully quarried from the sea floor, the dark colored stone is adorned with jagged edges and sweeping curves. A coral culture was then implanted across it, which has since grown somewhat to a vibrant array of different colors. Indeed, were he to lay against the sea floor, one would have trouble identifying him at all.   Massive gauntlets sit on his forearms, and attached to them are wickedly nasty curved blades–repurposed metal from a scavenged battleship. His fish tail itself also has a three-pronged claw-like device, suitable for being slapped into a creature's side and hooking in when it swims away. Overall sleek, but bulky, he is a terrifying image in his full equipment.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Having learned the ways of hunting as a child, Aroakhan is a self-taught person, learning for himself at the edge of death again and again. Having little grasp of letters, numbers, and other privileges of writing, he's somewhat lazy about earnestly learning them. His instinctual grasp of the underwater world, three-dimensional awareness, and on-call know how with most wildlife is phenomenally unmatched, however.

Mental Trauma

Even he still has a fear of the abyss.

Intellectual Characteristics

Supremely self-confident and capable, Aroakahn can seem arrogant to those unaware of his accomplishments. He takes his work seriously, but applies a layer of dark and queer humor to it, a self-entertainment in the years of solitary hunting. While he tries to be personable, his intimidating presence and confidence can make many others shy away, unless they are the (ever annoying) fans of his. In more recent years, he's actively tried to pursue an education, but is consistently frustrated with the ethereal and intangible ways of learning.

Morality & Philosophy

Aroakhan is torn between two disciplines: his pride as a hunter, and his need to provide for family and village. Indeed, it is only through the latter that the former has any meaning. To kill for its own sake is abhorrent, even to him, and so he always works in ways that will, hopefully, benefit everyone else. Still, when there is no need to push himself further, his craft reaches its limits. Faced with such completed meaning, he still finds it intensely unsatisfying all the same.   The core of a model ebalatan shermadi beats in his chest, and it is this that inspires song and tall-tales alike about him. Even if he is rough around the edges and lacking in the best of social graces, it is often seen as an addition to his charm. Aroakhan has trouble living up to these standards, and often finds others expect of him what he never even imagined. In this light, he's good natured, if ill-prepared because of how single-minded he can be.

Personality Characteristics


As a young child, Aroakhan saw hunting as a means of glory and respect. When he aged, and partook of the hunt himself, he fell in love with the thrill. To hunt challenging prey, learn its way, overcome it in a climatic do-or-die struggle; the purest form of meaning he could conceive of. But, a hunter is nothing without a village or people to benefit from, and so he pushed himself for 'everyone's' sake.   He yet struggles to become content with his own accomplishments, however. Understanding that the next generation can benefit from his incredible knowledge, he's trying to teach them. Yet, for a shermadi in his prime, he does not want to simply waste away, hardly any weathered or shriveled scales on his hide yet. What the future has in store for him yet remains a mystery, and perhaps the dark depths have the key.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
He earned his title through the killing of titanic sea creatures, far too deadly for any other in Ebalatan to risk hunting--let alone in single combat. The fact he has achieved this multiple times has left him a superstar in the northern seas.
Year of Birth
2390 TD 45 Years old
Diagonal eye sockets; gem-like ruby irises; wide, circular black pupil; white sclera
Teal, fleshy, smooth growths
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Teal skin, shimmering opal-like scales
Aligned Organization


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