

These enigmatic beings are a rare sight in ancient records dealing with magical experimentation. In fact, the most concrete sources of information come from liches, who–by their own accounts–have some 'regular' contact with them. Regular to anyone else is a bit of a long stretch, as some of these liches are over millennia old. A few baarham tomes collaborate some of it, however disturbing that is.   Apeira are, as far as any record details, invasively curious beings who show up when particular types of magic are invoked. There is no rhyme or reason to these appearances, and invoking the same magic that brought one before is not guaranteed to bring another. Regardless, if one does appear, it seems to arrive from wherever it desires. Tunneling through reality itself, the apeiron does not walk so much as grab points of space-time with its legs. It can, thusly, be thought to 'hover' in the air, but no matter the amount of force applied, it is not dislodged.   Despite their overwhelming presences, the apeira act as spectators to whatever is going on. Their many different appendages and senses evaluate the magic, observing as it is realized in real time. At the conclusion, they finish and leave, tunneling away as silently as they first arrived. In the rare cases the magic has gone out of control–such as a nuclear-level explosion–they have been observed to 'eat' the magic, devouring the runaway power. Then, just as much as before, leave without much of a peep.   One baarham city was infamously destroyed by one of them, after attempts of the mage-seers to capture or kill it. Despite the grand might of the city's defenses, the apeiron dismantled it section by section, while its destroyer underlings swept through with a methodical, unthinking precision. The end result was a completely dissected city, and most of its inhabitants disappeared.   Thusly, it is a common warning in the greatest of magical studies and experimentation to leave them alone. This is doubly true as, for some reason, apeira may give gifts of knowledge relating to magic. Whether or not that knowledge is understandable is one matter, of course. Some civilizations have come to benefit greatly from these gifts, giving the apeira a reverent reputation. Still, they remain incomprehensibly dangerous if provoked.

Basic Information


A harshly geometrical and mathematical organism, defined by its (loose) sense of mechanical perfection. Their long, serpentine/centipede-like bodies are chiefly composed of perfectly sculpted and masoned obsidian, of which countless inscriptions are etched into their endless bodies. These inscriptions often come alight, containing deep, plasma-like blue colors of varying hues and intensities. Each segment of the body can blend into the next, though it is impossible to escape the insectoid atmosphere that one can feel from them.   The countless 'legs' of these beings are large protrusions, and the tips are actually hands of different kinds. Some are humanoid, others are triangular, and still you can find claws, paws, and so forth–if it is an appendage that is used to manipulate, one of their legs has it. Odd-looking pyramidal spines jut out from the top and bottom sides of their bodies; these are, in fact, dormant tetrahedron destroyers. Given the sheer number of them, apeira have a far greater danger to them than just their own native abilities.   The head of these beings is a complex thing–dozens of bulbous, glassy eyes alight with star-like pupils, each of them in varying shapes and sizes. Manipulator appendages, much like their feet, except these are built in the guise of arms, for however many elbows each one has. It is less the head of a person, and more like a complex apparatus that is full of alien sensory equipment, all of it dedicated toward processing information.

Biological Traits

Divine – This being exhibits a sliver of aura from an Origin Goddess, leaving an unignorable impression on all mortal life/unlife.   Reality Architects – Apeira directly interface with the fabric of reality, manipulating it in ways defying description. While they cannot rewrite all the rules as any Origin Goddess might, they're akin to a scientist, and the universe is their laboratory.
Scientific Name
Aperion; Aperia, plural
Average Height
Average Weight


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