The First Pilgrim War was a conflict beginning in 306 SE that saw the Qartagonian Emirates of Alameen and Jeharoa invaded by an army of adventurers and armed religious pilgrims.
Wyverns are a non-sentient species of bipedal dragonoids known for their aerial hunting methods and their lethal venom.
The Sunstair Sanctum is a temple complex within the Holy Quarter of the city of Jeharoa dedicated to the twelve gods of the Heavenly Council.
The Palace of Wisdom is the royal residence for the monarchs of the Holy City of Jeharoa, and the current home of its reigning queen, Theodosia I.
The Ashkelon Keep is the primary defensive fortification for the Holy City of Jeharoa.
The Bronze Barracks is the headquarters of the Brotherhood of Bronze, a Pilgrim chivalric order located in the Holy City of Jeharoa.
The Leper Moat is a leper hospital and colony located in the poorest part of the Mashiqi Quarter of Jeharoa.
The Vestals of Porcia are an order of acolytes dedicated to serving the goddess Porcia of the Heavenly Council.
The Seneshals of Elenea are a religious order of acolytes devoted the goddess Elenea through serving the poorest folk with devotion and kindness.
The Amaranthine Sepulchre is the holiest site in the Mashiq for the Kōsites.
The Sahn are the halls of the Amaranthine Sepulchre of Jeharoa that connect the various rooms and buildings within the temple complex itself.
The Abadon of the Amaranthine Sepulchre is a series of structures where Kōsites and non-believers can be treated for a variety of physical, mental, and spiritual ailments.
The Prayer Halls of the Amaranthine Sepulchre in Jeharoa are where local parishoners and visiting Kōsites celebrate their weekly services each Stranger's Day.
The Mihrab is the actual tomb within the Amaranthine Sepulchre of Jeharoa where the Coiled Hermit Kōs is said to have received the visions that would one day be given to the Qosaari and turned into Kōsism's holiest text, Faal Stahdim Ven.
The Jackal's Den is the seediest watering hole in all of Jeharoa and the headquarters for the city's local branch of the Mirage.
Mount Jeharoa is the site of a major encampment of Frosted Gold Company employees, contractors, and mercenaries.
The Mount of Souls is the oldest occupied graveyard in the Holy City of Jeharoa.
Oshira's is an apothecary shop located in the Mashiqi Quarter of Jeharoa and the residence of the noted healer Oshira the Ghoul.
Oshira the Ghoul is an elderly Mashiqi female aasimar druid and the proprietor of Oshira's apothecary.
Bassa is a Mashiqi male high elf priest of Milcon and the Head Stitcher of the Holy City of Jeharoa's Mount of Souls.
The Stitchers of Milcon are an religious order of clergy dedicated to the god Milcon and his domain of the Grave.
The Ashkelonian Guard, commonly called the Ashen Guard, is the constabulary force for the Holy City of Jeharoa.
The Brotherhood of Bronze is a chivalric military order founded in 294 S.E. and a significant military and political presence in the Pilgrim States.
Toratons are an enormous species of tortoises indigenous to the Marrow Desert in Nioa and parts of Hakoa and Iroa.
The Frosted Gold Company, abbreviated as the FGC, is an international joint-stock corporation formally based in the Republic of Solstice and at their international headquarters at Port Equinox.
Sir Gundaric of Angessier is the Lord Commander of the Brotherhood of Bronze at their base in the Holy City of Jeharoa.
High elves are a subspecies of the elves, an ancient magical race with origins in the mirror realm of the Feywild.
Kabal ban Kablus is the owner and proprietor of the Dewback's Drink, a favorite tavern of dragonborns and Qartagonians in the Holy City of Jeharoa.
Kem the Starkissed is the barkeep and madam of the Jackal's Den, a seedy tavern and brothel located in the rundown Mashiqi Market Quarter of the Holy City of Jeharoa.
Liat ban Shem is a Mashiqi female human acolyte and a Vestal of Porcia at the Leper Moat in the Mashiqi Market Quarter of the Holy City of Jeharoa.
Nizar the Turnclaw is a Mashiqi male green dragonborn veteran and the Captain of the Ashkelonian Guard in the Holy City of Jeharoa.
Reverence Damron is a Mashiqi male tiefling commoner and the owner and proprietor of the Olive Cup, an inclusive inn and watering hole located in the Pilgrim Quarter of the Holy City of Jeharoa.
Roshan el-Nossa is a Qartagonian female red dragonborn priest and the Sandspeaker of the Amaranthine Sepulchre in the Scaled Quarter of the Holy City of Jeharoa.
The Wardens of Kōs are an order of religious clergy that serve as scholars and spiritual specialists within Kōsism.
Drow or dark elves, are a subrace of elves that live beneath the surface of Holos in the Underdark.
A Wood Elf is a subrace of elves commonly found in the wild and forested regions of Holos.
The dwarves are a race of stocky, mountain-dwelling mortals created by the Gilded Crafter, Zwakhasis.
The Reckoning of Temekan was a conflict between the Great House of Temekan and their god-king Ozha-Ban and those mortals who remained loyal to the Heavenly Council.
The War of the Titans was a conflict between the elemental Prime Titans and the gods of the Heavenly Council at the outset of the Dawn Era.
Durthane is a Maddrellan male mountain dwarf archaeologist employed by the Frosted Gold Company.
Dragonsbreath steel is a crucible steel alloy characterized by pattered bands and forged in specialized furnaces that rely on the heat of a dragonborn's fire breath weapon.
Greenstone, sometimes referred to erroneously as jade or jadeite, is a kind of green igneous rock imbued with the Old Magic and sacred to dozens of cultures throughout Holos.
Safaar Qosaariya el-Sadek is a Qartagonian female gold dragonborn champion and sultana of the United Qartagonian Army.
Ajda ban Hadar is a Mashiqi female copper dragonborn priest and the Archmatron at the pantheistic Sunstair Sanctum in the Holy City of Jeharoa.
Daneva ban Oren is a Mashiqi female human priest and the Commodore of the pantheistic Sunstair Sanctum in the Holy City of Jeharoa.
Keshet ban Isik is a Mashiqi male brass dragonborn priest and the Augury at the pantheistic Sunstair Sanctum temple in the Holy City of Jeharoa.
Ebbo of Badashen is a Kerkish Pilgrim male half-elf priest and the Architect at the pantheistic Sunstair Sanctum temple in the Holy City of Jeharoa.
Sosin is a Qartagonian female kobold priest and the Pathfinder at the pantheistic Sunstair Sanctum temple in the Holy City of Jeharoa.
Shimrit ban Shemer is a Mashiqi female human priest and the Justice at the pantheistic Sunstair Sanctum of the Holy City of Jeharoa.
Rostrum Thynemenos is a Mashiqi male tiefling priest and the Martial at the pantheistic Sunstair Sanctum temple in the Holy City of Jeharoa.
Raymond Evenfire is a Pilgrim male half elf priest and the Matchmaker of the pantheistic Sunstair Sanctum temple in the Holy City of Jeharoa.
Baldwin Hawksorrow is a Pilgrim male human priest and the Chancellor at the pantheistic Sunstair Sanctum temple in the Holy City of Jeharoa.
Tariq, sometimes written in Falerian as "Tarrick," ban Yensin is a Mashiqi male human priest and the Archbeacon at the pantheistic Sunstair Sanctum temple in the Holy City of Jeharoa.
Coriander of Medb is an Éruladic female firbolg warlock and a companion of Fenrir Frost and Lyle Quick in the Orphean League Campaign.