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Summer Camp 2019

Somewhere in your setting, describe
Write about a constructed or natural landmark in your world.
A total of 375 entries

O Grande Arsenal de Woodhelm

The Grand Hall of the Defenders

Temple of the Ocean Gods (Dejima)

The Rain Curtains of Faeln

The Watchtower of the North

Landmark (because names are, as stated before, hard)

The Great Gate of Orladica

Le Sanctuaire de la Balise

Wluwut Kaukroyi: Toilet of Titans

Statue of the Serpent Marfal

The Purple Falls of the Frozen River

Commonwealth Institute of Technology

Statue of Gweney, Warrior-chief

Gulf of the June Star, Ancient Crater

Jhidgros' Palace of Gold and More

On the nature of the great Spires and Lamps

Higashi Taifûmon 東大風門

Monastery Of The Sumbrennes

Ayasard: The Mother Mountain

The First Temple of the World

A strange site: Petit Bateau