

An old goddess of the Red Moon rarely spoken of in Uatkara, Zolkalkehtum is a warrior goddess of selfish pride, vanity, and domination. There is no tactic underhanded enough, no deceit too dishonorable, and no vow unbreakable for her. Such was her terrible might that she dared war against Akenra, throwing the Heavens into chaos for untold years. At the end of it, when no more could be bared, Akenra's fury sundered the sky, shattering Zolkalkehtum's world-breaking axe and incinerating half of her red face into bronze ashes. Ever cowed by the power of the sun, Zolkalkehtum and her Red Moon hide behind Veltrona, staying in darkness and away from Akenra's sight. There are yet times she dares bravery, blotting out the sun's light only to reveal the horrid scars that adorn the moon that is her. Yet, Zolkalkehtum is mocked and laughed at by the many peoples of Sa-kemet, chasing her out of the sky.   Her story ever remained that way for many years, until Pharaoh Aramix interjected a different perspective.   Zolkalkehtum, warrior goddess she is, upholds power as her one virtue. Although conferred as a conqueror's motif, that is a side effect of her real intentions. It is a simple truth that if one does not have the strength to overcome those who would destroy them, then they will be destroyed. Ideals such as honor, rule of law, and other pretty notions are meaningless before true power. Who will care about the nobility of a person when their head is chopped off? What offerings is a child who succumbs to sickness? What is right or wrong without the force to make it so? It is the blistering conviction of this virtue that Zolkalkehtum upheld her axe, and inspired the cults of power-seekers some liken to the baarham in their devotion.   In this light, her war against Akenra was not an act of greedy coveting, but proving of beliefs and a culling of weaknesses. The final battle between them saw no clashing of blades or proving of strengths. Instead, Akenra bade Zolkalkehtum speak over water, conferring a quiet conference in which a new truth was revealed. It is known Zolkalkehtum was so moved that she broke her axe upon her own face, releasing its destructive power to save the world from it. Her war came to an end, and she retreated into darkness, a solitude upon which to contemplate the words Akenra gave her.   Hot debate surrounds the authenticity of this idea, as with much of Pharaoh Aramix's introductions of moons doctrine. Zolkalkehtum was, at least once, an unmistakably evil goddess. That her motives were explained better never excused her actions, but it is the supposed redemption offered by Akenra that perturbs many. What was said to turn such a convinced goddess away from her one true ideal? There are those who wax eloquent detail on the insightful and grand charisma of Akenra. Others atest that Zolkalkehtum simply was short-sighted or narrow minded. Regardless of public opinion, ongoing searches for those spoken words do continue, vainly looking throughout all of Sa-kemet.   For her part, Zolkalkehtum rarely appears and many continue to mock her eclipsing moments in the sun. Those who know of her story, however, wonder why it is she then dares to come so much closer to Akenra. The few of her followers that exist offer no insight into the matter. Instead adhering to their small scripture of life, they seek a singular refinement of purpose. That is, to live fully and completely, with utmost dedication to what their hearts know to be true.
Divine Classification


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