

Were-disease is an old, and often spooky, sickness that many cultures have encountered. It is predominantly associated with the Relentless, as those in the final stages of the disease often join the herds or packs. While many initially feared it was a spreadable contagion, the behavior of the disease never really aligned with that. No matter how one is exposed to those carrying it, no transmission ever happened.   Study of its origins made it clear that fanatic, cult-like groups who revered nature contracted were-disease the most. No matter how far apart, in either time or distance, the same disease would arise, baffling many. Given the spontaneous and uncertain coming-into-existence the Relentless are capable of, it wasn't seen as a stretch the disease arose in a similar way. As such, destruction of these cults and their thinking became paramount. While the love of nature is respected, it is always warned not to love it too much, lest the fatal disease become contracted. In such a way, the many masses have been spared falling into its clutches, even as the scholarly minds who know better boggle about it still.


It's rather mysterious how it arises, but as it arises consistently in the nature-worshipers it appears within, there is something going on with it. However, it does not spread through bites, foods, blood, or any really known or understood transmission vector. As far as most people are concerned, coming into someone with were-disease is not contagious at all.


Early stages of were-disease are indicated by:
  • Irrational anger
  • Feverish response yet no lethargy or apathy indicative of sickness
  • Incessant irritation at the presence of other people
  • Desire for nudity
  More progressive stages are made clear by:
  • Over-productive saliva glands; foaming of the mouth
  • Stretching, bulging skin, typically by growing muscles or bones
  • Hair falling out, only to be replaced by newer, thicker fur-like equivalents. Or, tougher skin, and harder scales for those who them.
  • Difficulty articulating or speaking coherently, yet possessed of an aware mind.
  • Reduced empathy to the point of vanishing entirely.
  • Violently assaulting others with the intention to kill.


Those succumbing to the disease are, more often than not, deliberately trying to engender it. If, however, one begins to want to escape it, rigorous magical and sociological conditioning can help them. In essence, they must be rehabilitated into being a 'person', whatever that entails for their respective culture.


As were-disease continues, the person becomes less of a person, and more of an animal that vaguely looks like one. In the final stages, all sapient thought is destroyed, and they are reduced to a feral, and highly dangerous form of Relentless.


"Ahh, I hear them, I hear them ... Oh, how majestic they are! Pure, beautiful, strong! But, so quiet, so very, quiet. Please, just a little louder?"


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