

Umsaldareltum a kind of goddess of the Pale Moon in Uatkara that serves as a bridge to its understanding of Kirichiki. For the sake of comprehensive clarity, Umsaldareltum hence refers to Kirichiki as Uatkara knows her.   Born of shadows and filled with the pale light, Umsaldareltum stalks through darkness wherever it is found. If Fyghumat commands the honor and dishonored dead, then Umsaldareltum devours the forsakened and unburied. Hers is the domain of fear, disappearance, and the totality of darkness beyond the dusk's veil. When the Pale Moon crests the sky alone, casting its eerie light across the deserts, not even thieves dare make attempts. Umsaldareltum's great hunt has come, and anyone found caught out may fall prey to her, never to meet judgement and vanish forever. Brave are those who hold onto torches and candles, for a quiet gust may leave behind a wisp of smoke, taking them with it.   Her story ever remained that way for many years, until Pharaoh Aramix interjected a different perspective.   Such is the haunting beauty of the Pale Moon, doorway of the dead, border of life and death. It is Umsaldareltum whom stalks it, hunting those who would cross over in either direction. For those who do, the cycle of life is disrupted, and all parts of the Heavens become ugly and disjointed. Great is her task, ill-understood is how it is done, and thus fear became her cloak and dagger. It is not for the living to know the dead, and so fear keeps them away. Those braver than they are smarter who dare encroach in the hours of the Pale Moon must be taught their error. There can be no compromise, no pity, no compassion. Umsaldareltum makes no exceptions for anyone, and thus her guard continues forever onward.   Hence, Umsaldareltum is the goddess of death and boundaries, solemn duties and unbroken convictions. Those who guard crypts and tombs, who protect the dead and the living alike, she is their solemn patron. For those seeking power of the dead and darkness, they come to bargain or steal, coveting her domain for their own. Enemy of necromancers, scorner of liches, and reviler of dark creed, Umsaldareltum is the darkness that devours darkness. Of the three moons, hers is perhaps the most mysterious in its unspoken nature, and a very curious subject for Fyghumat's followers to study.   Fyghumat herself has forbade anyone from studying the secrets of death, for such knowledge is dangerous to the living. In becoming taboo, so did the Pale Moon remain out of grace and doctrine. Pharaoh Aramix's reintroduction of it is most curious because it is not, technically, a violation of Fyghumat's commandment. By detailing the nature of the boundary with life, Pharaoh Aramix uses the teachings as warnings so that people may better understand when they encroach upon it. If anything, this has helped better keep people away as Fyghumat desires.   This has led to tangible benefits in divine wards and other protective measures against the Forsakened. In doing so, of the three moons, the Pale Moon is perhaps the most 'acceptable' on the fringe of Uatkara's doctrine.
Divine Classification


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