

A mischievious spirit that is infamous for messing around with all sorts of gadgets, engineering, magical devices, and anything else 'constructed' by people. Tinkers are formed from the intense thoughts, sweat-drenched nights planning, and hard work of people who create things. Those who died in the earnest pursuit of their craft may also become a tinker, in part if not fully. It can be said they're a patron spirit of smiths, engineers, weavers, and all sorts as a consequence. While they're usually good intentioned, their 'tinkering' can cause problems for intricate or delicate objects. For some they are a boon, for others a bane; hence why so many hate it when others tinker around with their things.   The tinker itself is a spirit that possesses objects, and uses it to create a kind of 'body'. Many of them end up taking on a humanoid shape, but anything is possible depending on the tinker's sensibilities. Because they need hands to change things, they're easy to identify by this–although the tinker will have as many hands as they need. This can be quite frightening when larger tinkers come by and they have dozens upon dozens of hands fiddling with stuff. As they're only interested in creating or changing objects, they're largely benign in nature. Although like any artisan, messing with their stuff can make them angry pretty quick.   Life's funny like that.   Also sometimes called muses, tinkers offer a glance into the bizarre and unknowable. It is thanks to their seemingly absurd antics that many have been inspired to pursue all kinds of possibilities. Conversely, those struggling to make breakthroughs might find a simpler solution coming up from a wandering tinker. Some artisans end up forming long-term cooperations with tinkers, which means they end up having to chase them around the world. Dragon engineers, the most of all, have an extreme love-and-hate relationship with them. They pride themselves on the perfection of their technique; a tinker coming in and 'improving' it drives them absolutely nuts. Those who struggle to make their own works, like lauraume, urni, and shermadi pay great respect to them.   Incidentally, the profession of being a 'tinkerer' arose from those studying their eccentric ways. They strive to see and make things like tinkers, hence the name.

Basic Information


The prototypical tinker is just a spirit that inhabits objects. Its actual body can be all sorts of unliving, immaterial things: spoons, sandals, a wheel on a wagon, and so on. Because tinkers need hands to do work, they end up collecting loose objects or materials and 'making' their hands. How they do this is a mystery, but the end result is usually an amalgamation of junk with human-like hands. They can be humanoid or not, the body is usually a secondary concern to being functional.

Biological Traits

Limitless Engineering – Tinkers can work with anything; it's actually quite frustrating to behold for some people. This means even 'cutting-edge' developments unseen elsewhere in the world is just a plaything for them.   Non-Euclidean Geometry – They can make some weird things that aren't actually that weird at all, but scholars will argue about it.
Benign Worker


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