

A so called 'unofficial' goddess in Uatkara, Nekhuhahim's canonization is always a matter of contention. While not accepted, she invariably appears again and again throughout doctrine, even despite the best of censor's efforts. Such is the nebura goddess' popularity she is most worshiped among artists, songstresses, thrill seekers, thieves, and others of a similar ilk. The rainbow-bespeckled goddess is a fan favorite, and it is thought of she stole from Neferiwen, taking all the colors he had and painting herself with them. It remains a sore point that she, in fact, didn't get all of them, and only has the rainbow spectrum. For many she is often considered the goddess of chaos, insofar as undermining established order and reliability. Revolutionaries thus tend to call upon her, but Nekhuhahim despises violence and bloodshed, so she does not answer their calls.   Adorned in beautiful plumage with a voice that can captivate anyone, Nekhuhahim revels in having fun amongst the Heavens and mortal world. Vaults, secret treasures, and other valuables locked away are all a challenge to her, puzzles to be undone with artful skill and care. Thus the more precious or prized something is, the more likely it is to earn her attention. Goods that are out in the open, however, are no fun, no matter how valuable others believe it to be. It is she who is blamed for many artifacts, relics, scrolls, and other items that have disappeared mysteriously from royal treasuries. Poleva and Fyghumat have long standing issues with her, stealing either precious water or sneaking thieves through divine judgement, respectively.   Her relationship with the other goddesses tend to rise and fall depending on the era, or what it is they are doing. It is thought of that once, during the Black Pyramid's construction that a major collapse was her doing. So it is said that a keystone in the center structure--made of a very rich manarium and crysium alloy--vanished. The size and weight of the thing meant no one could've done it by themselves, and the posted guards found no large-scale groups the night of the incident. Such marked the first record of Nekhuhahim, for all that could be found was a beautiful rainbow feather.   Incidentally, when the pharaoh of the time valued that same feather as a divine artifact, it got stolen too.   It is believed some of the Heavens' divine instruments were also stolen by Nekhuhahim, but they mostly returned later. Or, rather, their respective goddesses chased her through the Heavens until she coughed up whatever it was she'd taken. Some irreplaceable items disappeared entirely, such as Akenra's Sun Crook, utilized to stir the sun and keep it burning hot. Another item of note would be Isara's Wedding Contract, a golden scroll penned in divine blood binding her expansive family together in marriage. Where Nekhuhahim stashes these things is a mystery as old as her. It is rumored that she has a special vault hidden somewhere, a storehouse of all her greatest treasures only she knows the location of.   To be hidden from Akenra's sight is no small feat, and many more rumors beside ponder what is actually inside Nekhuhahim's vault.
Divine Classification


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