Lost Lantern

Basic Information


Diminutive glowing lights that resemble lantern-wings at a glance, lost lanterns are a kind of incorporeal undead. At best, a lost lantern is a collection of fiery, floating lights, the barest essence of souls that might remain in the world.

Biological Traits

Intangible – They have no corporeal form, and so mundane materials have almost no affect against them. Magical attacks and mana-infused objects are necessary to interact with their purely mana-comprised existence.   Life Sense – They can sense the presence of the living in a supernatural manner. This means despite loss of critical sensory organs, like eyes or ears, they can still track their targets with disturbing precision.

Civilization and Culture


When souls without enough coherence to become a ghost mass together, they can form into something called a Lost Lantern. The namesake of this undead is its peculiar habits of dangling at the edge of the living's awareness, tempting them to follow it. Their similarity to lantern-wings, and the lanterns travelers use, cause easy confusion to many people that there may be others nearby. It is this confusion that the lost lanterns exploit, luring unsuspecting persons away.   Lacking any offensive ability in themselves, the lost lanterns rely upon their nearby environment. They will lure people into pit falls, over cliffs, hordes of slumbering undead, ravenous beasts, deadly plants, and so forth. Ultimately, they want their prey to die miserably, so that the release of agony and mana can sustain their own wretched existence further. In some ways they could be considered to have bewitching or beguiling capabilities, but any remotely trained guard or adventurer can see through it.


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