Laoshi Shi-Weiba, the Venerated (Lao-she, She-Way-Bah)


Of all the ancient folklore of jiuweihu clan-families, none are as consistent as that of Laoshi Shi-Weiba. She is a beloved and respected figure, representing the pinnacle of what it means to be a 'teacher'. Those who come under her tutelage receive an education unlike all others, obtaining worldly awareness, comprehension, and understanding without compare. Many are those who have sought her out; many are those who have claimed to receive this prestigious education. Few are those who can rightfully prove they have.   It can be hard to separate fact from fiction; truth from tall-tale. For as much of an impossibly grand teacher she may be, Shi-Weiba has a number of other popular additions. Chief among them being her womanizing nature, it's often spoken that she's chasing one skirt after another. Indeed, she's found her way into the beds of goddesses and other heavenly beings, with lovers and enemies alike chasing her across the night sky. It tends to be a divisive topic when folklore about her is concerned--those who prefer the wizened teacher find her 'exploits' a bit too detailed.   For better or worse, her renowned intellect and insight have made her an icon of education for many jiuweihu. She is most popularly paid tribute in the lands of Nerzin, with common rituals wishing for blessed learning and protected virtue. The latter part largely being to showcase one's unwillingness to sleep with her, as Shi-Weiba specifically does not bother with such people. There are, of course, many who pay tribute and want her to sleep with them. To some extent, foreign goddesses and folklores speaking of a 'foxy woman' are often suspected to be referencing her.   A more concrete accounting of her life does exist, principally in the oldest libraries.   Long ago, under another name in another lifetime, Shi-Weiba was a diligent and studious pupil. Inheriting her mistress' school, she sought to bring knowledge to all the surrounding lands. The secrets of construction, smithing, foraging, plowing of fields; once-jealously guarded secrets, all to be given away. In her hopes, it would give everyone what they needed to survive in such a harsh and unforgiving world.   For many years, she did so, and the many civilizations that arose revered and venerated her.   Long afterward, in what must've been centuries, Shi-Weiba took on a pupil of her own. In him, she saw the promise of a new generation, one that could reach greater heights than she imagined. Although the records are scarce, she gave unto him the greatest of training possible, even techniques and secrets no other had been taught. Tall was her expectation, but he lived up to it and more.   However, he would fail her all the same.   It isn't clear how or why, but her prized pupil became slovenly and hedonistic. Worse, power hungry and crazed; he swayed entire queendoms into thralldom, and pursued profane and forbidden arts. Try as she might over so many years, Shi-Weiba could not avert him from his path. Soon, she no longer had the luxury of trying; he became a problem so great, he had to be dealt with.   There is no accounting of their battle or confrontation, but the aftershocks of it were plain to see. Entire cities vanished, and whole lands upturned into ruinous wastelands. Battered and worn down, Shi-Weiba retreated, and her pupil was nowhere to be found ever again. So it came to be, many believed she perished in isolation, a penance for failing so spectacularly in raising her would-be inheritor.   Over time, the mysterious sightings of a jiuweihu with ten-tails became increasingly common. Whispers of the venerated teacher's return followed, and the long-lived peoples of the world rejoiced in their own way. Now, ever wary of those she teaches, she does not entrust to them anything more than they can handle. Everyone across the world are her students, and so she teaches everyone a different lesson. It is up to them to come together and realize what it was she meant for them to have.   So it would come to be the legends of Laoshi Shi-Weiba were revitalized, and ever remain popular.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

At an exactly medium height, and with a healthy body weight, Shi-Weiba has a generally pleasant atmosphere about her. She is a touch on the stocky/stout side, giving others of even near equal height an impression of her being small. Her eyes are constantly peeled in an energetic smile she carries, seeming shut when they aren't really. Her ten blonde tails are nearly as big as she is, giving her a wide presence when they wave about. They typically curl together into a single, supermassive tail, rolling up against her back and curling backwards in a rather squirrel-like manner.

Body Features

With her stocky build, plush fur, and plump weight, she exudes a comfortableness that is hard to deny. In some jiuweihu cultures, it is a rather ideal body type to have, as a matter of fact.

Facial Features

The roundness of her face is offset by the unsettling sternness buried within. Indeed, her inviting smile and peaceful aura often beguile people before she spits out some untoward words about them.

Identifying Characteristics

Of everything, her ninth and tenth tail are the most striking features she possesses. Only the most foolish of jiuweihu would dare to fake their tails, something that is not hard to suss out at all. Thus, for those with even a modicum of knowledge on her people, it is extremely attention grabbing.

Special abilities

Cultivator – Shi-Weiba is a cultivator at the Immortal Body stage.   Space-Time Magic – Her peculiar brand of magic interferes with space-time, allowing her to achieve impossible feats of teleportation, dimensional isolation, and other goddess-like capabilities. She can even annihilate people out of existence entirely, making her supremely dangerous to fight.   Fluffy Tails – Truly her tails are the fluffiest of them all.

Apparel & Accessories

She always wears a baggy set of old, traditional clothes (though they always seem well kept). They're primarily white, with some embroidery for gold and silver in simplistic patterns on the rims and edges. A long skirt covers the fronts and backs of her legs, and it is cut down the sides, leaving it wide open for her pants-covered legs. Her shoes are often simple wooden sandals, to which she wears gray socks for. A straw-hat often sits on her head, two special sleeves keeping her tall ears protected, while shading her face.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





There are perhaps few mortal beings that can compare to Shi-Weiba's breadth of knowledge, experience, and wisdom. While the universe yet remains with uncountable secrets, her perceptiveness in uncovering them truly defies belief.

Failures & Embarrassments

Her prized pupil and would-be inheritor's horrendous, reprehensible failure lingers in her mind, all these millenniums later.

Intellectual Characteristics

Shi-Weiba has a brutally curt manner of speech, often lacking any sense of social tact or grace. In spite of this, she is often upbeat, cheerful, and loves to help others (even if her words cut them down in as much the same breath). As a teacher, she is often instructing or advising others around her, though it can sound like ceaseless complaining to the unaware. In many ways, her carefree attitude can almost appear to be a hedonistic-centric lifestyle, with little regard for whatever happens tomorrow.   She also has an intense love for women, to the point of open womanizing and wooing with wanton abandon. This has landed her in a number of problematic scenarios, but she keeps on going for it without much regard. Oddly, though she can seemingly mistress spoken languages quite quickly, she always speaks in a broken, accent-tinged speech. It is unusual for her to use proper or elegant tongue, which makes her lack of finesse all the more apparent. Some believe this is a result of her natural, trickster-like playfulness and joking habits. Others wonder if she's being a kind of belligerent troll, mocking people and hiding behind a false speech impediment.

Morality & Philosophy

To teach is to guide; to guide is to give purpose. Shi-Weiba has ever seen it necessary to provide guidance to those who are lacking in it. Through this instilled purpose, meaning is created in a world that would otherwise stand still. These simplistic notions form the basis of much of her actions, and it is why she has dedicated her life to the teacher's craft. By providing the necessary structure to see, think, and believe, civilization can be born, and the world will be reshaped by people.   Despite the grandiosity of this thinking, Shi-Weiba keeps true to her roots. In helping one's fellows, honoring the family and the Heavens, and bringing prosperity to the homeland, one obtains a virtuous existence. Those who fail to obtain any of these meanings are the worst sort of beings, and not to be helped in anyway.

Personality Characteristics


"Sometimes, teaching people means giving them a good scroll. Others, taking out the paddle until they learn. Simple."
Divine Classification
Year of Birth
2255 WT 4690 Years old
Thin, up turned eyes; Luminous golden iris, white sclera
Buttery blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Moderate plump


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